NorTrac Tractors

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I have used the New Holland TC series tractors at my former work (campground), 30 hp diesel and 55 diesel. I am not impressed by them at all. The 30 hp had a front loader and it struggled with any thing that had some weight to it. The plastic fenders and hood are cheap; We cracked a fender because of stress from using helper handles to get up on the tractor. The 4x4 worked well though but 2 wheel was a joke. We used the tc55 for mowing with a 16 foot batwing. That tractor had a real hard time on most hills. You had to put it in low or medium range.

We had a 2120 ford and a NH TN diesel before the NH TC tractors. The TN and 2120 were by far better and had better power.

If you don't want a front loader on your tractor, go for an older diesel JD, farmall, AC or Oliver. Parts shouldn't be a problem and they will be built like tanks. If you want a loader go for a 90's New holland, ford or JD.
do a search on

you want to stay away from NorTrac because of mechanical problems and service and parts availability.

Kioti is an excellent tractor as is Kubota.i like John Deere until you need a part.they bend you over and make things difficult to get elsewhere like hydraulic fittings.

i bought a Mahindra and it's the best bang for the buck hands down.they have great financing and parts are no problem to get but i haven't needed any in 136 hours of obnoxiously hard use.i bought the 3215 HST with a Grapple,pallet forks,bucket,woods field mower,and york rake.the tractor has done nothing but impress me.i highly recommend a grapple from WR Long or Millonzi.both are great companies to deal with and both make an excellent product.

the Mahindra had the best warranty,financing,lift capacity,weight,options,price,and lowest center of gravity in it's class.the 15 series motors and transmissions are made in Japan by Mitsubishi.the rest is made here in the USA.mine is the 3215 (32 HP) which is turbo charged.the 2815 is the exact same tractor without the turbo.i would get that if i had to do it all over because i think it might be a hair better on fuel consumption and you wouldn't have to worry about turbo cool down.i still don't regret mine and would by it again tomorrow if something happened to it..
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you want to stay away from NorTrac because of mechanical problems and service and parts availability.

Kioti is an excellent tractor as is Kubota.i like John Deere until you need a part.they bend you over and make things difficult to get elsewhere like hydraulic fittings.

i bought a Mahindra and it's the best bang for the buck hands down.they have great financing and parts are no problem to get but i haven't needed any in 136 hours of obnoxiously hard use.i bought the 3215 HST with a Grapple,pallet forks,bucket,woods field mower,and york rake.the tractor has done nothing but impress me.i highly recommend a grapple from WR Long or Millonzi.both are great companies to deal with and both make an excellent product.

the Mahindra had the best warranty,financing,lift capacity,weight,options,price,and lowest center of gravity in it's class.the 15 series motors and transmissions are made in Japan by Mitsubishi.the rest is made here in the USA.mine is the 3215 (32 HP) which is turbo charged.the 2815 is the exact same tractor without the turbo.i would get that if i had to do it all over because i think it might be a hair better on fuel consumption and you wouldn't have to worry about turbo cool down.i still don't regret mine and would by it again tomorrow if something happened to it..

Mahindra is another excellent tractor along with new holland and kubota. I would buy a kioti in a heart beat. In this class 17 to 32hp 4 wheel drive, each of these are best bang for the buck hands down. Last time I compared JD to any of these JD was breaking frames ''under built and over priced''.
1942 Farmall H and a 1957 John Deere 420 here. Both start up with ease and pull well above their wieght classes.... Just wish I could find a loader for the 420.
What ?

Here's a reality check for everyone.

NO ONE manufactured their own machines in the compact hp ranges, they were all produced, still are, by a japanese company, Iseki, Yanmar, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, and painted and badged for JD, Ford, Case- just about every big "american" name. Some claimed it over "assembling" the end product, which amounted to putting on the wheels and seat.

The gray market tractors are every bit as good as a used one from a private party. In fact, better. You can see the amount of new parts used to renovate the tractors right away. A used machine is more of a crap shoot.....

I'd by a used Yanmar in an instant if I didn't have Pedro the ASV. A gray market 25 hp with loader be about 5500 in FLorida.

There are RC 30's in the ten g range with 6-7 hundred hours on them. Depends on what you want to do with yotu tractor for sure, though.

Theres alota talk about cheap tractors here,. AND most of them are JUNK tractrs, If you plan on WORKING them,..IF you want a Quality tractor Kubota is the one,...New Holland is a joke, Jd is a copy, of what ever,.. Kubota is the REAL thing,. Eric
I test drove several, Kubota, Montana, NH and JD. I bought the JD 2520 w/Hydrostat. I thought that it was smoother, and would turn inside of the other models that I drove. I really liked the smoothness and the feel of the the controls, loader and hydro especially. I have a good dealer nearby and although I did not buy it to resell, I think that the value will hold up very well. I liked the NH as well, but.... the dealer would not budge on the $$$. And yes, I do know who is the manufacturer of my JD. But the JD dealer network will be there to take care of me for decades. Just my 0.02. Or actually about $18,000.
i love Kubota,don't get me wrong.

it was actually my favorite for neighbor growing up as a kid in Metamora Michigan bought one when i was too young to remember.i'd say late 70's early 80's.i bet he still has it.he did last time i was there in the late 90's.well,it was my favorite until i got the Mahindra.

JD is a good tractor but they have gone the way of Harley Davidson.arrogance with old school technology.i looked at one that was as close to the Mahindra as i could still didn't stack up,was narrower and taller,and was $10k more.that is a lot of attachment money and fuel.i actually wouldn't have bought it anyway because they screwed me over in the early 90's on a new commercial mower that was a POS. i looked at them just out of curiosity.Kubota and NH were about the same as JD attitude wise.i waited in the showroom for 45 minutes and no one came out to talk to me.they were also a Stihl dealer and had great prices on chain so i bought some RSC at the parts counter and left. at a later date i stopped there for a buddy to pick up a ballast box for his Kubota and i told them what happened and it cost them a sale.they seemed confused.

also,JD wouldn't let me test drive their unit.another dumb sales approach IMO.the Mahindra dealer was on an old farm.keys were in all of them and he told me to hop on any or all of them go out in the field and try any funtion i wanted.he would also gladly hook up any implement he had.they sold me all the way around.i know i have over worked the front end loder with the grapple but it lifts some serious logs.only issue i have with the Mahindra i have is the reverse is slower than i am used to but it has kept me out of costly trouble a few times so i am somewhat thankful for it.i couldn't be happier and highly recommend them.anyone in the southern New England area is welcome to come check mine out and give it a spin.PM or email me if you like.

it was actually my favorite for neighbor growing up as a kid in Metamora Michigan bought one when i was too young to remember.i'd say late 70's early 80's.i bet he still has it.he did last time i was there in the late 90's.well,it was my favorite until i got the Mahindra.

JD is a good tractor but they have gone the way of Harley Davidson.arrogance with old school technology.i looked at one that was as close to the Mahindra as i could still didn't stack up,was narrower and taller,and was $10k more.that is a lot of attachment money and fuel.i actually wouldn't have bought it anyway because they screwed me over in the early 90's on a new commercial mower that was a POS. i looked at them just out of curiosity.Kubota and NH were about the same as JD attitude wise.i waited in the showroom for 45 minutes and no one came out to talk to me.they were also a Stihl dealer and had great prices on chain so i bought some RSC at the parts counter and left. at a later date i stopped there for a buddy to pick up a ballast box for his Kubota and i told them what happened and it cost them a sale.they seemed confused.

also,JD wouldn't let me test drive their unit.another dumb sales approach IMO.the Mahindra dealer was on an old farm.keys were in all of them and he told me to hop on any or all of them go out in the field and try any funtion i wanted.he would also gladly hook up any implement he had.they sold me all the way around.i know i have over worked the front end loder with the grapple but it lifts some serious logs.only issue i have with the Mahindra i have is the reverse is slower than i am used to but it has kept me out of costly trouble a few times so i am somewhat thankful for it.i couldn't be happier and highly recommend them.anyone in the southern New England area is welcome to come check mine out and give it a spin.PM or email me if you like.

If you dont get good seervice,.go some where else,...,.on the other hand You might make a life long mistake,.....Paitance is a vertiue,..Eric
my step dad bought a 2 year old MF with 250 hours.

I'd rather have a 30 yr. old IH with 6000+ hrs. than anything comming off the assembly line today. Don't worry about new paint, think reliability and HP per dollar. Also, I strongly doubt any rice tractors will ever hold their value to American iron if you ever wanted to sell. I'm sure some overseas manufactures can produce "quality" but how many proven hrs. do they have? Sounds like a MF 135 diesel would be right up your alley. There are still some good 1010's out there. Why do you think IH ever went bust? They built a product that never broke.

he bought it from the dealer who bought it back from some retired dentist gentleman farmer. what a pile.we have welded and braced the loader arms more times than i can remember.clutch never worked right after being's a gutless turd and has had constant mechanical failures.we have more time repairing it than using it.he ranted about not buying a ricer Kubota like i told him to.if he had listened he would have been working instead of fixing.

i think if you look you will notice Kubota resale prices are right up there.everyone said that asian tractors were just a fad and wouldn't last here when Kubota came on the scene decades ago.kinda like toyota and honda cars wouldn't be around long either.where is toyota in sales these days?
one of my best friends has a JD 4600.

If you dont get good seervice,.go some where else,...,.on the other hand You might make a life long mistake,.....Paitance is a vertiue,..Eric

it is a beast no doubt.they did screw up on the front steering linkage and they know failed in the middle of a job.none of our local CT,Mass,RI,or NY dealers had the part in's not like this is a rural section of the US.fortunately a industrial JD dealer in Springfield VT had the part.guys here couldn't even look it up.we took the drive and got the it going again and finished the job.

if you ever need parts for a JD,the guys in Springfield VT are top notch.they went above and beyond.they are of I-91 ,exit 7 go west,they are on the right.
d g Equipment

it is a beast no doubt.they did screw up on the front steering linkage and they know failed in the middle of a job.none of our local CT,Mass,RI,or NY dealers had the part in's not like this is a rural section of the US.fortunately a industrial JD dealer in Springfield VT had the part.guys here couldn't even look it up.we took the drive and got the it going again and finished the job.

if you ever need parts for a JD,the guys in Springfield VT are top notch.they went above and beyond.they are of I-91 ,exit 7 go west,they are on the right.

Our local D&g equipment is the best,...They are all Green,. but serve all colors well,...NO one is as good as d&g equipment Williamston,..

Making a blanket statement like this is as bad as stereotyping, I have a neighbor who just sold one of the newer Kubotas, which I would classify as a lemon! Kubota used to make a good tractor, the new ones are crap, they are living off their name!:dizzy: :dizzy:
IMO I would get a old ford, something like a 3000, there one good tractor.
for the money your going to spend you can pick up one put a loader on it and a BH, brush hog and still have less money and you will have i better tractor.
Making a blanket statement like this is as bad as stereotyping, I have a neighbor who just sold one of the newer Kubotas, which I would classify as a lemon! Kubota used to make a good tractor, the new ones are crap, they are living off their name!:dizzy: :dizzy:

+1 there not cheap to overhaul. The motor in our skid loader went and we stop short off replacing everything and had 2600.00 in it and then the "NEW" head we got was so bad it ate a head gasket. So we took it to a shop and he said it was so far out that he couldn' believe they sold junk like that.

I can do a good overhaul on a IH1066 and put more new parts in it and have less money. ITS VERY HARD TO BET THE OLD TRACTORS
Making a blanket statement like this is as bad as stereotyping, I have a neighbor who just sold one of the newer Kubotas, which I would classify as a lemon! Kubota used to make a good tractor, the new ones are crap, they are living off their name!:dizzy: :dizzy:

No, kubota is making a living from a great tractor. Your neighbor had a lemon? Sh#t happens in every make and model of everything made and sold from cars to tractors to anything else. Your statement aint no better then his.
+1 there not cheap to overhaul. The motor in our skid loader went and we stop short off replacing everything and had 2600.00 in it and then the "NEW" head we got was so bad it ate a head gasket. So we took it to a shop and he said it was so far out that he couldn' believe they sold junk like that.

I can do a good overhaul on a IH1066 and put more new parts in it and have less money. ITS VERY HARD TO BET THE OLD TRACTORS

I have an IH backhoe, biggest piece of shi# ever made with most parts for it discontinued and out of stock. 1971 model. Its not hard to beat the old tractors at all. The mind set that older is better is so flawed.