All we need to find now is some DDT.
Hey Modified Mark-any chance you worked in Whiting running a forklift at the Jacob's warehouse a couple of years ago??
Head count update.
Looking forward and glad to be 33!
1 Me
2 Mark
3 R Delawter
4 BWS-LLC + (wife and two young kids)
5 bsnelling (maybe)
6 fossil
7 troylee
8 ELECT6845 (maybe)
9 OhioGregg
10 atv1965
11 procarbine2k1 (maybe)
12 LowVolt (maybe)
13 super 3
14, 15 snide + 1 (maybe)
16 Brushwacker
17 bowtechmadman (maybe)
18 Tom Erwin
19 NewToStihl (maybe)
20 heimannm
21 Andyshine77 (maybe)
22 3000FPS
23 MS460WOODCHUCK (maybe)
24 atlarge54
25 gregz (maybe)
26 Mopar Mike
27 Guido Salvage
28 warped5 (maybe)
29 dave53223
30 Locochainsaw
31 Whitedoggone (maybe)
31 Crazyforsaws (Chase)
32 tree_chomper
33 Spellfeller (Jeff)
Hey Gary / Guido... I am still hoping you can swing past Osgood and pick up a box of magazines for me.
Let me know if you need a drive up address for Joyce (Chainsaw Lady).
Thanks & Regards,
P.S. I just got home today and will be leaving again on Tuesday so I won't have the Solo 611 Twin along unless I bring it in pieces.
The weather is looking nice for this coming week. Almost the same as here give or take a couple of degrees each day.
It's looking very green down there as it is here. Keeping the mowers busy.
Perhaps I need to put in a Mini Mac with a 32" bar to help you finish milling the cants, seems other than the Efco none of the other orange saws are up to the task.