Is it running yet?
]1 Me
2 Mark
3 R Delawter
4 BWS-LLC + (wife and two young kids)
5 bsnelling (maybe)
6 fossil
7 troylee
8 ELECT6845 (maybe)
9 OhioGregg
10 atv1965
11 procarbine2k1 (maybe)
12 LowVolt (maybe)
13 super 3
14, 15 snide + 1 (maybe)
16 Brushwacker
17 bowtechmadman (maybe)
18 Tom Erwin
19 NewToStihl (maybe)
20 heimannm
21 Andyshine77 (maybe)
22 3000FPS
23 MS460WOODCHUCK (maybe)
24 atlarge54
25 gregz (maybe)
26 Mopar Mike
27 Guido Salvage
28 warped5 (maybe)
29 dave53223
30 Locochainsaw
31 Whitedoggone (maybe)
31 Crazyforsaws (Chase)
32 tree_chomper
Is it ok if my kids tag along?
My wife needs to go seeing she will be hosting one in two months and neither of us have even been to a GTG....
My wife and maybe my youngest kid will be there. Course my youngest is a grown young woman now. LOL
If she makes it, she will be manning the welcome/sign in shelter.
Dang it Mark, something just came up yesterday that I will not be there. I've gotta be in Texas that weekend.
That's a shame. See you in August.
I really wanted to make this one, especially seeing I've never been to one yet, and I am hosting one...
Nothing like flying by the seat of your pants...
But one of my best friends called last night who is in a jam and needs help that weekend.
Well, at least it will be good conditions for the mosquitos...
Would absolutely love to come up from Indy for this, Mark. It would be awesome to hang out with you guys and learn from some experienced saw addicts!
I'll check the calendar and add myself to the head count if it will work.
Dang it Mark, something just came up yesterday that I will not be there. I've gotta be in Texas that weekend.
We got em now the size of baby birds..
I'll see if I can rustle up a fogger, but bug spray will be a good thing to have as well.
If you can't find a foger and you are up for a drive Norf you can borrow mine.
Granted it's a Stihl, but the thing works great for putting Skeeters at bay.