Old saws like to stay asleep like us old guys.
If Mark H could start now with that MM he might get a couple of sides done by Saturday.
If Mark H could start now with that MM he might get a couple of sides done by Saturday.
Hey Gary / Guido... I am still hoping you can swing past Osgood and pick up a box of magazines for me.
Let me know if you need a drive up address for Joyce (Chainsaw Lady).
Thanks & Regards,
P.S. I just got home today and will be leaving again on Tuesday so I won't have the Solo 611 Twin along unless I bring it in pieces.
I talked to Mark last week.
I have a traffic update...
Anyone coming from the east and are heading west into Hebron on St Rt 8. Rt 8 is closed just as you get into Hebron. You can make a easy round about it by taking 500W which is just about 2 miles before you get to Hebron and go south on it.
Go as far as you can south on it and it will turn to the right and bring you to the stop sign at Rt 231 and Rt 2. Go straight through the stop sign and you will now be on Rt 2 and take it to Clay street and turn left.
I think it was decided around 8-9. Just remember we're on central/Chicago time here.What time you fellers going to show up?
Disappointing news.Been looking forward to this GTG since it was first proposed and Mark has invited me over several times and Chris and Mark had a good time over this way at an auction earlier this year but I will just have to hear about the good times from all those in attendance.
I will be in Michigan this Friday and Saturday with family so I have to mark off.
Everyone have a great time and take lots of pictures!
I thought Chris posted it, but maybe not.I may have missed it but is there a address that I can use for my GPS to get me there?