Yeah, BAD idea putting MoGas in your 1945 Luscombe! You'll be landing preferably in a farm, but possibly on a highway, river, lake, or a house when the valves beat the **** out of themselves and their seats. Very VERY small percentage of aircraft running MoGas as of right now. Most are in the experimental class.
I've run just about every kind of gasoline available at one point or another, and have worked on the same. Leaded fuel leaves a grayish-whitish ashy layer on EVERYTHING - piston crown, cylinder head, exhaust port if 2-stroke - intake AND exhaust valves on 4-stroke, and in the exhaust system (little muffler on a saw, or a whole system on a car, motorcycle, or off-road machine). Eventually this can foul plugs. That's why for aviation applications they sell TCP. It does a very good job at cleaning all these deposits up. If you run 100LL long enough, things will require cleaning.
As far as the health aspects of lead ... mercury ... or [insert scaaary chemical HERE], you should fear your genetics more than ANYTHING you might come in contact with throughout your life.
My mom never drank, never smoked, jogged around the neighborhood every chance she got, and never EVER bought soda or sugary snacks, much to my chagrin as a kid. She went to the doctor for EVERY little tiny thing. She was afraid of EVERYTHING - said sugar caused cancer. Said margarine cause cancer. Eggs give you heart attacks. She did everything "right", and died at 72. Genetics.
My dad passed mercury the teacher poured into his hand around the classroom when he was a kid. He rolled it around in his hand for a minute or so, marveling at its properties like every kid in that class did. After he dropped out of high school, he was in the Navy breathing in leaded fuel all day every day on the flight deck of the USS Constellation, worked with my grandfather with the door closed in the winter in their homebuilt garage on his cars and the Model T's and others of that era my grandpa used to restore, dunking parts with bare hands in gasoline, heating oil, MEK, or whatever chemical they had on hand that WORKED - no gloves, no masks - those were for *******!

No EPA in those days!! He worked at Norton Company in Worcester, MA where abrasive dust clouds were breathed in for 30 years straight, plus, he chain-smoked cigarettes for 54 years straight after Red Cross "relief cigarettes" got him hooked during cleanup of the tornado of 1955 that rolled through his home town east of Worcester ... and he's still alive today. His 82nd birthday is this weekend.
My grandfather lived to 85, only because he refused treatment for the giant cancerous tumor that bulged out of his neck towards the end of his life. He said the chemo, "...was worse than the cancer!" He didn't get lung cancer from breathing in asbestos brake and clutch dust, leaded paint (and gasoline) fumes & dust for decades, nor the radioactive substances he handled that were unregulated in his youth, he didn't get skin or bone cancer from being up to his elbows in all kinds petroleum products for 7 decades of his life, and he didn't poison his family to an early grave dumping stale LEADED gas and used motor oil 100' away from his well (my grandma lived to 91) (and never mind the stuff they BURNED in those days!) - he got a random cancerous tumor on his NECK that was detected early, but after one round of chemo, he quit.
To contrast that, you'll see people who started smoking in high school, and are talking through a "talk box" at age 23. Or someone who handled asbestos insulation for a half hour in their 20's, and end up with mesothelioma in their 40's. It's all genetics - some things will get ya if your body is so inclined.
I'm either going to die at 71 or 72 like my maternal grandfather or my mom, OR, I'll live to my mid 80's like my paternal grandpa and my dad. Not going to sit here and worry about which one it'll be. I just live life when I can afford to, since at the end of the day, no matter what you THINK might kill you doesn't matter in the slightest. It's your GENETICS that WILL kill you.
That's why this guy that's petrified of heights flies paramotors. I'm 100x more likely to die of an asthma or heart attack, or choking on food thanks to 5 decades of asthma medication side-effects.
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Here's a fun video I shot this summer. Enjoy!