Looks nice. I have to let my blood supply recover from camping in a mosquito patch, and then The Used Dog and I will go exploring again.
It is a banner year for skeeters. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :msp_ohmy:
We are just starting the second week of the annual flood control project in the river channel and all anyone talks about is the bugs. I'm not exaggerating when I say there are zillions of bugs! The swallows are flying constantly right above our heads. They are beginning to look like bumble bees and I am expecting them to start dropping out of the sky because they are too fat to fly.
On the good side the temps are cooler than in years past. A kid who worked with us 5 years ago came by on his skateboard and said he thought it seemed cooler than the year he worked. It may just be the breeze that lingers all day long but I like it.