Petroleum based vs Synthetic Mixes

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You mean I can get me a bouncy cartoon babe?
I have had many thoughts about that cartoon.
So these miracle oils will give longer saw life?
Layman Fish
WD-40 is a poor lubricant

It is my understanding from the military WD-40 is a rust prventor for metalic intruments "out of storage"

Very poor lubricating qualities.
Thanks for the reply bwalker

Maxima k2 and Motul800 is a better product than MobilMX2T in extreme heat cases because of their basic composition.

It is better than regular oil.

Should I even be concerned with this extreme condition?

It this getting into design criteria like a 45 bullet shot into a warehead or a redundant bacups on the space shuttle?
Surfed and talked to KART racers on net

Restating what they said is POE "ester" based is a better oil but it attracks water, hard on the seals and creates a corrosion problem because of the water . These Kart racers operate the engines in the > 12,000 RPM's and tear the Kart engne down every so many hours so they don't have the corrosion opportunities like a saw would sitting around in the shed for a month or more.
They all liked the Motul 800 , Elf HTX 976, Klotz Super, Maxima K2

The POA based like the Mobile MX2T was likeed and used on vehicles used less offen so there was no issue on storage.

Found Mobile MX2T for $2.50 a pint.

Found Motul 800 2T for $ 30 a gallon.
Restating what they said is POE "ester" based is a better oil but it attracks water, hard on the seals and creates a corrosion problem because of the water
It is true that some esters have corrosion issues associated with them. I have seen both klotz and especially Redline have terrible issues in this regard. Motul on the other hand has not had this problem. Provided the TBN(total base #) of the oil is high enough, corrosion should not be a issue. For long term storage I would fog the motor, but I do this regardless. The seal issue is pretty much a old wives tale now days as most seal material is compatable with synthetics. This was more of a problem in the early days of synthetics and contrary to what you have been told it is PAO's that are hard on seals. That is why Mobil and amsoil blend in ester to there primarly pao based motor oils. Mobil Mx2T is not PAO based. The base oil for mx2t is a hydrocracked group three dino oil (this info is in the MSDS file for mx2t on Mobils site). What this means is that there are very little impurities (aromatics,sulpher,etc), its highly saturated, and has a very high viscosity index. Group three oils do not have the high temp stability of ester based synthetics however which makes them not quit as good when used in a aircooled high stress application. BTW Thats a good price for the motul 800. Whats the source?
Called Motul and asked who sells the most

Called Motul and asked who sells allot of it ... they didn't know.
Gave me a number to a distributor and he gave me some numbers in LA.
Wanted to sell me a gallon for $49.

Called about 3 places and found a guy selling out the gallons since they didn't sell well. Only sold the 1 litre bottles.
Picked them up for 30 a gallon. 3 gallons for $110 delivered.

Anyway asked the guy at least 4 times if it was Motul 800 2T for 30 a gallon and he said yes.

They are an ATV shop and were amazed a chainsaw would need synthetic oil.

Asked him to guess the RPM a saw runs at and he said a couple thousand !

Told him thank you !
Motul 800 2T

Cycle Tech
In California

10.50 a litre 30 a gallon.

ups shipping
Motul 800 2t

Received the 800 2T and it is actually 1.05 gallons for $30.
Was nervous by the label cause it was for off road use and the
This post is a combination of Cycle Tech and Motul coversations.

Motul website listed 3 types of 800 2T:
Road race, Off Road , and Kart.

The only 800 2T available for the public is Off Road.
It is designed for around 15,000 RPM and lower RPM's. It is red liquid.

The Road Race and Kart 800 2T is designed for running at 25,000 RPM and only available straight from Motul.
"The molecules on the race is larger than the Off Road and sticks to components at the higher RPM's" (Motul tech quote)
the guy said it was not 800 2T but they provide it to the race teams under this brand name.

They said they are both a 2 Ester formula? He couldn't explain it to me but making this stuff is a multiple "cook book " process and they use different chemicals to make the product.

Did you order some bwalker?
I have the off road 800. You will never over stress this oil with a saw. It is widely acknowledged that the stuff is way over kill for motorcycles. I have seen the Kart oil for sale in the chapperal catalog(which is in your area). I see no point in useing it in a saw or anything short of a full race kart. Like the Motul tech said the main differance is vis and flame point. Its very likely that since a saw never reaches the kind of temps the Kart oil is capable off that you would see more deposits with its use than 800 2t due to the fact of imcomplete combustion..
I have been using the Husvarna mix lately. No saw blowups
yet. I have used Lawnboy mix with no trouble as well.
I just cut wood for firewood, so I am probably wrong, but
isn't this talk/exchange about motorcycle oil blends a waste of
time? You all can use big words, but that is about it. I am
stirring the pot again, but you all need it. Do you all cut wood, or just ride bikes and need a place to strut your big words?
That smiley means that I am laughing and just kidding. That was
my first smiley! I feel empty and cheap! Violated. etc.
Fish, I am glad to hear you are having good luck with the husky mix. I wouldnt touch that lawn boy crap with a ten foot poll though. Its a ashless formulation which is totaly wrong for a aircooled saw. I have heard lawn care people call it blue death becasue it smokes so much and kills all the bug life around while doing so. As for me I am kind of bad when it comes to mantaining my tools/engines. My stuff always last longer and runs great compared to other people I know though. I have a 85 yamaha rz350 two stoke street bike on its stock crank and its got 30,000 miles on it, I also have sled with 10,000 that hasnt even fouled a plug.
Somethings fishy around here

I just like to know what is the best and work from there.

If ignorance is bliss ... go for it.

So how much $ are we talking about for multiple times more engine protection?

$20 more in cost over 32 gallons of fuel.

I think this is a great deal!

Oh, Bwalker Motul says 50:1 ratio is the standard but reccommend 32:1 under extreme conditions.

If you go up to 20,000 or more they recommend even more premix.
I was in the store yesterday and saw a "new" product, Poulan Synthetic 2 cycle. Does any one know anything about it? They're aren't any ISO ratings on the bottle -just says for all aircooled 2cycle engines Electrolux corp. For increased engine life.It is set up for 40/1 mix like the old Poulan oil.
So all of these different miracle oils give you longer engine life?
Or just something for you all to talk about?
Poulan and Fish

I saw the Poulan oil in a department store and didn't know what it was. Does anyone know how to contact Poulan? What does it cost .. the store didn't have a price.

Fish, you're messing with us, right?

Bwalker and the rest know much more than I do about lubricants but in layman terms , oh ya, a big difference.

Don't feel empty , cheap and isolated, come to Los Angeles and we'll do that for you. Might even file a lawsuit if you got somrthing of value. If you got allot of money "love child" is all the rave here.
The Poulan Synthetic 2 stroke is $4.88 for about 20 oz (6gal at 40/1) at the local WalMart. The old Poulan 2 stroke was $2.97 for the same quantity. The color of the synthetic is geen/black like Echo's ISO L-EGD oil. Old poulan mix was/is blue.