Pioneer chainsaws

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Any chance that one of you guys would have or know where to find a set of crank seals for a pioneer 800? I got a line on one but I know it has a blown seal and I don't want to buy it unless I know I can fix it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hoss, those seals would be avaliable through a good bearing and seal supply house, I use Motion seals and they can find me about any seal ever used, they just cross reference up to a modern seal of the same size. If you can get the old one out then its an easy job to just measure the diameter of the shaft where the seal seals, the bore the seal sits in the case and the depth of the seal its self. These measurements are often found on the seal themselves.
Any chance that one of you guys would have or know where to find a set of crank seals for a pioneer 800? I got a line on one but I know it has a blown seal and I don't want to buy it unless I know I can fix it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Measure and post the shaft dia., housing bore and the width of the old seal. I can look it up in my CR book.
Problem solved. I keep a glass platen from an old copier covered with 320 grit sandpaper. I use it to flatten parts like carb flanges, etc. I dressed the copper gasket flat. Thickness varied from 0.0265" to 0.028. That seemed good. Did the same with the ring on the head - just enough to know there were no high spots. I then annealed the gasket, dressed it with Never sieze, and bolted the head in place. Voila!......It still didn't hold pressure. So I held my face real close and felt the air coming out of somewhere - turns out there is an impulse passage going to the fuel pump gasket surface for those models with auto oiling. I still had the oil pump cover off so it leaked. All back together now and no leaks, holding pressure fine. So here's the crankcase and cyl assembly. Hmmmm wonder if anyone ever nicknamed this thing "The Turtle?"

btw - the blue arrow in the bottom photo points to the bushing I turned to reduce the seal opening so I could use the same seal as my SP125.

Edit - thought I may as well throw in a "before" photo.




Beautiful so far! :msp_thumbsup:
A) That's just not right :rock:

B) Isn't it in the wrong thread :msp_laugh:
Original Pioneer design, just a hostile takeover of a once proud Canadian company.

I don't know too much about the history but I work for a GIGANTIC corporation and when I started there 80% of the reason why was because it was privately owned so I understand the seniment...

It is a beautiful saw. Do you have video to put up! Nothing that big around here...
I have not got into the video thing yet, I enjoy working over the saws too much I guess. I have a fairly large collection of these Pioneer saws and get asked often about doing some vids of the big ones running and cutting some wood. I cut a couple of cords of wood last weekend with my recently built P62, felling big rock maple with it was pure fun for me.
Great saw Bloodhound

Jerry you must have the keenest nose in Canada.It's for sniffing out good saws,LOL! Next thing you know they will have you with the Border Services looking for smuggled chainsaws HAHAHA!
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Well Lawrence you know I have a lot of contacts within the Pioneer community. LOL

Were could a person get new decals for a 655? I know the one I got is missing them. Also what about a full wrap handle for them too?
Were could a person get new decals for a 655? I know the one I got is missing them. Also what about a full wrap handle for them too?

I am currently working with a fellow that will soon have these decals up for sale, you can contact Sugar Creek Supply or send me a PM and I can give you more details.
Pro 655

That's another nice lookin saw. My 455 and 655BP sit on the self with all my Pioneer saws. A sad end of the road for the Pioneer built saws. They will still outlast most of the new stuff on the shelf today.
Does your new find have the boost port piston and cylinder?
It has a new OEM piston and cylinder just put in it but I don`t know for sure if its a BP or not. I will take it over to the shop with me today and check it out. I have a new full wrap front handle for it so that will go on it today also.
Original Pioneer design, just a hostile takeover of a once proud Canadian company.

Well thats one way to look at it and I would not say that its the right or wrong way.

Another way to look at it is without the hostile takeover they were doomed and the days were numbered.

At least these nice Pioneer designs were made for a few more years that way, never mind what name is on it.
Jerry, that's a great looking 655 you found there. It's got a new p/c, it barely looks used. What a great addition to your collection. I'll be looking forward to some pics if your going to tear into it.
Well thats one way to look at it and I would not say that its the right or wrong way.

Another way to look at it is without the hostile takeover they were doomed and the days were numbered.

At least these nice Pioneer designs were made for a few more years that way, never mind what name is on it.

Mark,..those guy`s working the floor did not just walk away, it was management that frittered that company away bit by bit. I have heard and read inside accounts of neglect and mis management and no company marches just on the shoulders of it workforce, you need generals and a good chain of command to win the war.IMO