I once boiled a carb from a '63 Rambler, there was nothing left but sludge and brass fittings.
I'm waiting for you to give up and mail off the box of parts. :hmm3grin2orange:
I don't claim to have read every comment posted in every thread in the Chainsaw Forum on ArboristSite, but I can say this:
I have never before read or heard about anyone boiling chainsaw parts to clean them.
Promac610, where did you get the idea to boil parts? I'm not picking, just curious.
I don't think a carby from a 1963 Rambler is neccessarily well made to start with...
Still waiting for me to give up? Not gonna happen, I've wanted a big saw (80cc or so) for quite some time.Don't worry, someday I'll send a saw to you.
Rebuilding this saw is fun, I'm just taking my time and making sure I do it right.
Just testing your resolve.
Thanks for the offer, I have more chainsaws than I know what to do with.
I am thinning things out. You want a fixable 10-10?
Not exactly a fresh pic, it will give you something to work toward.
8pin, 3/8", full chisel, full comp.
Looks like something from a Hmong restaurant.