Pro Mac 850 project

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I lost money on my 570. I bought it for my 850 cylinder but it was so easy to fix I couldn't bring myself to part it. Hopefully the new owner will keep it complete. Ron
I lost money on my 570. I bought it for my 850 cylinder but it was so easy to fix I couldn't bring myself to part it. Hopefully the new owner will keep it complete. Ron

Oh, I see, you have to keep funding the donations towards the yellow fever. :) Wish I had a big warehouse full of old yellow saws and parts for them. That'd be a treat for all of us.
I picked up a Ward 3.7 tonight for $20. If this style saw is what you have been using you are going to be very happy with the 850.
I picked up a Ward 3.7 tonight for $20. If this style saw is what you have been using you are going to be very happy with the 850.

20 bucks! How do you guys find them so dang cheap? I have seen a couple on CL, but they were going for 80 bucks or more! To be honest, I don't think a 610 or similar saw is worth more than 40 bucks. I just don't see why people are paying so much for them when they are so common. They must be crazy.

Yes, I suspect the 850 will make me look like :D while running it... and move cut wood like :biggrinbounce2: and/or :blob2:

:) I love McCullochs. Homelites too, will have to get my paws on one someday. :)
Why are you selling your saws? No more room for them?

Several reasons but room isn't one of them: 1) I never wanted to collect saws but after the first it is so hard not to start - thought I needed to try to break the cycle. 2) A 570 weighs as much as a 850 and its closer kin so I had no reason to keep it (I have a 036Pro which will out saw it anyway). 3) I am trying to standardize the 82 cc saws that I have (settled on the PM800) so I sold my 850 and DE80. 4) I don't want to invest any new money in saws right now (one of my girls is getting married in May $$$) while I am trying to build an inventory of spare parts for my SP125C. 5) And I have found another PM800 that I want to buy at almost three times the average price I paid for my other ones (I "need" one for each of my girls - well, future S-I-Ls anyway). Nonetheless, selling isn't any fun. :msp_crying: Ron
Wait till the day you go to fire up the 610 and find it running backwards!!!!!!!!!! That is very interesting sight. I have a MW branded 610 that had ice duties in the winter and trenching in the summer. Every now and then she would spin backward.
Wait till the day you go to fire up the 610 and find it running backwards!!!!!!!!!! That is very interesting sight. I have a MW branded 610 that had ice duties in the winter and trenching in the summer. Every now and then she would spin backward.

Really? Wow, that's something to see. :)
Several reasons but room isn't one of them: 1) I never wanted to collect saws but after the first it is so hard not to start - thought I needed to try to break the cycle. 2) A 570 weighs as much as a 850 and its closer kin so I had no reason to keep it (I have a 036Pro which will out saw it anyway). 3) I am trying to standardize the 82 cc saws that I have (settled on the PM800) so I sold my 850 and DE80. 4) I don't want to invest any new money in saws right now (one of my girls is getting married in May $$$) while I am trying to build an inventory of spare parts for my SP125C. 5) And I have found another PM800 that I want to buy at almost three times the average price I paid for my other ones (I "need" one for each of my girls - well, future S-I-Ls anyway). Nonetheless, selling isn't any fun. :msp_crying: Ron

Wish I could help. Someday, you will get what you want back. Weddings, man they are not cheap. :dizzy: As long as she doesn't force you to buy a diamond studded dress and crystal glass shoes and make you rent out the entire Hilton hotel, you should be okay. After it's all done, you won't be able to buy a new Kia Soul, that's for sure, but that's not as bad as having to sell your house and everything else. Wait, you got two of them? There goes a used 80's Ferrari 348.
Careful again PM610; the 600 Series McCulloch saws are (for the most part) 3.7 In³ or 60.5 cc. While a lot of guys will tell you the 650 and 655 are much better running saws, the IPL's I have show all share the same piston and cylinder. Mark

Now who are we to believe the Marketing department or the Parts department? The marketing department says Pro Mac 650 has "30% more cutting power than the Pro Mac 610".


Does that mean it has a longer bar, sharper chain, more powerful motor or what? I vote for the Parts department. Unless it's the carb. Ron
Now who are we to believe the Marketing department or the Parts department? The marketing department says Pro Mac 650 has "30% more cutting power than the Pro Mac 610".


Does that mean it has a longer bar, sharper chain, more powerful motor or what? I vote for the Parts department. Unless it's the carb. Ron
I thought 610's were 3.4, 650's were 3.7.
I thought 610's were 3.4, 650's were 3.7.

No one really knows... :monkey:

Okay, so far I have cleaned the carbon of the top of the piston, the boiling really loosened it up, and brake cleaner was the wet for my wet sanding of the piston. Again, I did NOT sand the sides of the piston, only the top. Don't start sanding the sides of pistons, and everything and everyone should be okay. :)

I also have measured the ring end gap for both of the new rings, one came out at .061", the other was .056" I believe those should be okay. I am going to do some calculations and make sure it fits under that rule of thumb another member posted in the Yay! It's here! thread.

The cylinder fins are quite clean now, and the cylinder looks much better now than it did before I boiled it. I have a little bit of carbon to get out of the dome of the cylinder, once I do that, and the ring end gap checks out, I'm going to clean the parts (crank, piston, rod, cylinder, etc.) well with brake cleaner and let it dry, then assemble. Anyone have anything important to add about assembly or checking to make sure the rings don't catch on the exhaust port, now is the time to mention. I'm almost there... :blob2:

Pics will be in next post, as I have a tiny bit more cleaning to do. Also, I'm hungry, so I gotta find something to eat. Forgot to eat lunch, was so busy working on the saw. :)
Lest anyone be overly concerned with those ring end gaps, the 10 Series workshop manual specifies .051 to 0.066 for the 4.3 In³ saws with pinned rings.


Thanks Mark! :cheers: I was busy reading RandyMac's stories in the logging forum, so I forgot to calculate the ring end gaps, lol. :)

Crap! I just remembered I need to get a 10-24 thread Time-sert kit... where can I find one?
Looks like you are in the home stretch, just remember to take you time and do it right. I always get in a hurry near the end of a project and always forget something and have to do it over, sometimes more than once.
Looks like you are in the home stretch, just remember to take you time and do it right. I always get in a hurry near the end of a project and always forget something and have to do it over, sometimes more than once.

Same here Jim. Seems there's never enough time to do it right...................while we always have to take the time to do it over....:D
Same here Jim. Seems there's never enough time to do it right...................while we always have to take the time to do it over....:D

I do that never on a project... :D Really, what I do is mock the assembly up like four hundred times and make sure everything is where it needs to be... and sometimes still forget a part. :bang:
Here's some pics of the piston, I wet sanded it with 800 grit sandpaper and brake cleaner. Worked well.


In this photo, you can really see the single dark spot in the middle of the piston, that is what I believe to be a piece of embedded carbon. Anyone think it'll be a problem to leave it there?
