Problems with smoke from neighbor's burn pit

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I may tell the whole story later but I see 3 monitors at the moment. And my typing is well " hen pecking"
Just one of those night I just need to let go and unwind.
Cops wont do anything if its legal to burn.
He said they had been issued a citation for open burning without a permit.. maybe the burning has stopped but if she is chasing customers away and threatening him, I'd call the cops. If she's being that nasty get a frickin restraining order. Who needs more frustration from a woman, don't know if the OP is married, but my wife gives me all I can handle!!
Having been on both sides of something like this (although when I was the "offender" I was burning maple and my neighbor just wanted to be an ass since he knew I was moving in a week) here are my thoughts:

You need to continue to involve LEO especially if this thug is going to blatantly threaten you. Repeated calls are the only way to prove you are in the right as eventually they will get pretty firm with the neighbor to knock that crap off. Also document (and if possible record) every communication you have with both LEO and the neighbor.
The thing is to pay very close the any burn bands in your county.
Burn bands Are set by the judges in that county. And it goes by county.
A big rain after a dry spell is not the time to burn.
Here is the latest, but probably not the last installment:

On April 20th at approximately 4pm the male neighbor came into my shop complaining of a bee’s nest in my building. He requested that I give him $200 to pay for someone “to take care of it.” I explained that they were honey bees and that I had already consulted with an apiarist. Due to them being in the blocks of my building they could not be removed, only destroyed. I explained that I would prefer to leave them. They are endangered, beneficial, and have never bothered anyone. However, if he felt they were a problem he could pay to have a professional exterminator deal with them. He then left the building muttering that I would be sorry and that I would wish I had just given him the money. He and the woman stood out on the sidewalk in front of my building for several minutes (I have video) yelling that I would be sorry. Once they got their lawyer involved and we had to move our fence I would wish I’d have just paid them. After several minutes of this the woman got the attention of a young sheriff fueling his car next door. I saw them talking and eventually the sheriff entered my building. I explained the situation with the dispute over the fire and outlined our last three interactions. The officer then asked, what about the bees? I explained there were honey bees in our building. They were not a nuisance to me. If the neighbors thought they were then they could pay for an exterminator to remove them. The officer seemed satisfied by this. He took my name and DL# and said he would go talk to the neighbor.

Later that night another sheriff stopped by. I had already left for the evening. My partner was there and he asked the officer if this was about the bees? The officer said no, but he knew all about them. He was here to investigate a complaint from the neighbor that on April 18th (the night the fire department was there) someone on our property threw something at their house and then sped away in a red van (I drive a red van). Also that workers at our shop were loitering and smoking behind the building and throwing trash and cigarettes on their property. All of these claims are false. We have both a smoking area and a lunch room at the shop, neither of which are anywhere near the neighbor’s property. Furthermore a 25’ high arborvitae privacy screen separates our lot and their driveway and their house is 150’ from the street. In any event it was extremely unlikely that I would or could throw anything at their house. The officer seemed satisfied by this. I have requested a copy of this report.
You sir are 100% involved in a neighbor war. This one looks like it's going to get really messy.

Record every interaction and keep calling the police. Make sure you have a good security camera system too.
My plan is to give them nothing. I will not talk to them, I will not engage them, I will not honor any request they give unless it is accompanied by a court order. If my fence is on their property then they can get a lawyer, and a survey and compel me to take it down. We don't do police impound anymore and don't need a secure lot. If I have to I'll just go sawzall the sum-b down. Same with the bees. Get a lawyer, and a court order and I'll go spray them with some permethrin. I've found with unreasonable people it is best to let them yell themselves out

I'm not calling the police for frivolous things but if they stand out in my parking lot threatening me again I will. I will video tape all interactions and if the police are called again I plan to provide the timeline I posted here. Then I will make a formal complaint.

For those that have read this from the beginning, are the dated portions clear? Basically I am preparing a written statement for the police the next time they are involved.
I would not put it past,, that human female,, to do something drastic,, esp now that that the pw old man is bitching also...them two are a work of need DAMN good security cameras.. N O W.. the cops will love to see them,, as that dung pile female escalates this,,and like I said,, they wont stop,, till they are hauled away in handcuffs, if your bldg aint burning first............and theyve aready proven,,their yelling wont wear out,,,,
Yes, get a security camera. Don't just rely on video for when you're there.

But what may be even better is get a dozen "fake" security cameras as well (can be pretty cheap, but real looking), put them clear in the open and/or be sure they see you put them up. Deterrence is probably better in this situation. I'd say you're better off not having anything worth filming and with that no problem, rather than have to go through the ordeal of reporting some secret video footage of your property being damaged.

Sounds like its a daily thing that's only escalating, so do the camera thing soon.
Yes, get a security camera. Don't just rely on video for when you're there.

But what may be even better is get a dozen "fake" security cameras as well (can be pretty cheap, but real looking), put them clear in the open and/or be sure they see you put them up. Deterrence is probably better in this situation. I'd say you're better off not having anything worth filming and with that no problem, rather than have to go through the ordeal of reporting some secret video footage of your property being damaged.

Sounds like its a daily thing that's only escalating, so do the camera thing soon.
well, if they have any smarts at all..fake ones are easy to spot,,after looking for a bit........
My father's neighbor burns her leaves every year, last year it got away from her and she caught the woods on fire. It burned right up to his driveway before the fire department got control of it. Makes you wonder what some people are not thinking.
Good luck with that .
well, if they have any smarts at all..fake ones are easy to spot,,after looking for a bit.......
True... I mean, the easy to spot part is true.
The "if they had any smarts" part, well, after reading this whole thread, I'm not so sure about that....
There are three sides to every story, your side, their side and the truth. Neighbor conflicts can be very messy to the point that cops don't like to get involved, sometimes you have to get dirty to the point of either pressing charges for harassment next time they come on your property yelling or even legally pissing them off to the point that they put their hands on you and then you can press assault charges. Logging everything is a smart thing that you are doing. You should probably buy a log book and put everything on there, I believe they are admissible in a court of law.
One of the things that sucks is that they basically hold the west side of our building hostage. It is very close to the property line. I think about 5'. They seem to think the building is the property line. Either way I'm not going over there to antagonize her.

They don't even own the property. They are either renting or buying land contract. The owner of record is a local real estate holding Corp.

One of my guys found two registered letters to them in our parking lot. He put them back in the mailbox Maybe they are getting evicted. I could see her tossing a registered letter. I can only hope.

I actually hope they do something to the building. It's not Christian but I am tired of turning the other cheek. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I would take some satisfaction in seeing them hauled off in handcuffs. As long as nobody was hurt, I have insurance.
Yes, get a security camera. Don't just rely on video for when you're there.

But what may be even better is get a dozen "fake" security cameras as well (can be pretty cheap, but real looking), put them clear in the open and/or be sure they see you put them up. Deterrence is probably better in this situation. I'd say you're better off not having anything worth filming and with that no problem, rather than have to go through the ordeal of reporting some secret video footage of your property being damaged.

Sounds like its a daily thing that's only escalating, so do the camera thing soon.
Sometimes the real camera will catch someone tampering with the fake ones, trying to disable them.
Sometimes the real camera will catch someone tampering with the fake ones, trying to disable them.

That's deviant and perfect. I am reluctant to devote any more significant time to this fiasco. As a small business owner time is literally money. A fake bait camera right on the corner of the building, near their firepit ought to piss them off. I'm sure in some drunken or drugged out fit they won't be able to resist pulling it down. A game camera on the fake camera should catch it happen. That could lead to installment five, initiated by me. Hello sheriff...
I'm thinking about taking up smoking again back by the corner of the building. I think I will put an ashtray back there though. 7am tomorrow morning when I get to work I think i'm going to make one out of a 55 gallon drum...with an air chisel...out behind the shop.
Do not put up any fake cameras. It sounds absolutely crazy but there was a lawsuit where someone was assaulted on a business property and the victim asked for the security footage. When their lawyer was told the cameras were fake the BUSINESS was sued! Can't make this stuff up.

Wifi cameras are so cheap (some under $100) I'd put at least one pointing towards the problem area with your neighbor and RECORD.