The last 'O' rings and seals I found at an industrial supply house here in River City. Sometimes get bearings and seals at O'Releys auto parts.
super modern anti-vibe installed! Thanks Carl!I'll try to dig that up then.[emoji106]
+1, that will be next on my saw to do plan. Thanks!I can dig you out a cup. But first. Prick punch the inside of it every 1/6"-3/32" around the inside circumference where it is supposed to grab.
And, sharpen the ends at 45 deg. Do not make them shorter. Narrow up the grab fingers.
is this what you mean by prick punch?I can dig you out a cup. But first. Prick punch the inside of it every 1/6"-3/32" around the inside circumference where it is supposed to grab.
And, sharpen the ends at 45 deg. Do not make them shorter. Narrow up the grab fingers.
is this what you mean by prick punch?
got itNo. Those are transfer punches. For transferring a hole pattern on part to another.
Center or prick punch.