Matthew,I looked for the thread on the Homelite forum about the guy making a starter cup for less than $10 & found it,but the guy just said he went to the hardware store & bought a hole saw cup & used that.He also said he was going to make a video on YouTube too,but didn't see a link for that.The member hasn't been on the Homelite forum in over 2 yrs.Sorry for the bad news.I have several cups that are all worn smooth.I've seen posts where guys have said they used a Dremel tool to score new grooves in the cup.I'd like to know how that's possible?I had an old timer tell me to use a hack saw blade to cut new grooves in the cup too.I'd seem to think that'd take a month of Sundays to do though.And yet another member here used a material that's used in the trucking industry & glued strips of that inside the cup & he said it works great.