Aftermarket connoisseur
2 more questions.
What would you suggest I use to replace the missing windows in the air filter cover? I am thinking I don't want to do anything permanent in case I should someday find some. I was thinking some type of a screen but not sure what I should use to "attach" it. Would a silicone caulk work, JB Weld or some other type of epoxy?
Also, there are two cracks through the frame around the front window. They both match up perfectly so whatever I use can't take up much if any space.
Caulk may work for a while, be the least permanent measure. Not having the privilege (yet, hopefully) of seeing it, is the top cover metal or plastic?
I assume you have hit the crank/clutch situation with some penetrating oil. And are using a rope in the cylinder. It may just take more force, but thats easy for me to say from here. PM leeha, hes sure to have done it before.