A Derail
I have always found accuracy is best if the cartridge fits the chamber.
Had Pac-Nor rebarel a Win 70 in .222 Rem to 221Fireball, .246" tight neck.
I did a chamber cast and found the chamber was 0.55" over spec.in the neck length.
Standard 221 FB is around 1.395". My chamber was 1.455". What to do ?
I took a Win 222 case and reformed it to 221 FB, trimed to 1.450 and I had to turn the neck anyway.
Now I had a case that fit the chamber. And it shot 40gr bullets into one hole at 50yd.
I finaly finished splitting those hardwood rounds that were burried under 3 ft snow all winter and pay attention to the 15 cord of Pine I have scattered around.
Yes, I'm still burning. Weather here is cold damp with rain, I like warm and dry.
Burning chunks and uglies with a measure of Pine to keep it burning.
I'm down to about a cord of hardwood left.
Just have to put on my "Poor Me" face and start scrounging again.
I was having problems with my HD Mikita 6421. Bar and chain got smoking hot.
I replaced the bar and fitted a new 72LGX,72 DL chain, Back to what I remembered what a 6400 cut like.
I was sitting here, thinking (bad idea), If I wasn't so poor and thrifty (cheap), I would just buy my firewood css, and feed the stove.
Instead I buy saws, fuel and oil, chain and files, axes and wedges, rope and come alongs, A Peavey, pulp hooks and pickeroons ,maintain two P/U's, three ATV's, three trailers, hard hat and chaps and 200$ logger boots, gloves. And $1000 Hydo splitter .
It must be the smell of saw dust and 2 smoke mix in the morning.
If I don't do it, It don't get done. Gettin old ain't for sissies.