Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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small for sure but dang can it handle.

this is a local favorite turn. 42.2701126390588, -84.47554558777627

I know a guy that did the far outside turn (counter clockwise one) at 115mph on a super light weight 250cc café race bike with race slicks. I know another guy .... that did it on the stock N400 was 95mph on a set of dunlop mutant tires, lol. :happybanana: no chicken strips allowed.
Ever go to The Tail of The Dragon, Deals Gap? I haven't been there on my bike but did run it in a Jeep Cherokee 3 years ago when down in Tennessee on business. It has 318 curves in 11 miles.
One and done for us…got it early 2020. About 3 days of bad flu symptoms…did the Zelenco protocol..vit D, Zinc, Quercetin. Done.
if you got the original and didn’t get jabbed later on you got natural immunity.
I got the original and had to get jabbed in order to have my knee surgeries done. The hospital refused to operate on my knees unless I was jabbed. I didn't want to get jabbed.
We always take a week vacation right before I start teaching summer school. Had the chance to go up to the finger lakes in New York, absolutely gorgeous scenery. And of course, I had to check out all the firewood stands surrounding the campground we’re staying at. This fella’s stand in the last pic had a mix of cedar, maple, and other assorted hardwoods. $2.00 a bundle when everyone else was selling for $5 and the camp store for $8….
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It is a beautiful area we try to go every couple of years . But we ride
Ever go to The Tail of The Dragon, Deals Gap? I haven't been there on my bike but did run it in a Jeep Cherokee 3 years ago when down in Tennessee on business. It has 318 curves in 11 miles.
Yes I’ve done the tail . It’s a nice ride but some of the roads in California are much more challenging . I took my bike with a trailer down the tail . Got the picture from one of those photographers on the side of the road . If you look close the bike is filthy and that’s the way a touring bike should look when you’re on the ride . I get a chuckle out of seeing bikes from NY at rallies that are super detailed you know the trailered in an enclosed trailer to the event . Funny thing is now when I take the Wing they don’t get pictures as they aren’t ready as I pass . Super quiet bike 917493.jpg
Talking of dirty bikes me and a friend rode to key west in late September early October of 2012 we stopped at The Iron Horse saloon and the guy directing traffic was making everyone park across the street in a lot . He stopped us bikes filthy and fully loaded with gear looks at the plates gets on his radio and waves us into the bar ,bar is built around the lot . The guy behind us started with “Why do they get to go right into the bar and we have to go across the street ?! “ Guy just said “because they rode the bikes here from NY and you didn’t” . He was an older biker
If you look close the bike is filthy and that’s the way a touring bike should look when you’re on the ride . I get a chuckle out of seeing bikes from NY at rallies that are super detailed you know the trailered in an enclosed trailer to the event .
Talk of dirty bikes and trailering reminded me of something from years ago. Wife and I had rode my Sportster with sidedcar down to a rally near Lancaster PA from our home in Central NY.

We were staying at a hotel near the rally site and at breakfast the next morning got talking to another couple staying there. One of them mentioned that the wife's bike got a little damaged unloading it from the trailer. Then they mentioned that they had traveled something like under fifty miles to get to the rally!

Did our best to be nice and not laugh at them!
If thats the color I think it is it looks awesome in the sun. There a guy on the way to my parents house with a newer lifted 1500 short bed. Darn near looks like a new penny. Really like the color.
Yes it is dazzeling in the sun. I havent seen that much flake in a paint job since the customs of the 70's.
Looks like a cast muffler similar to early 880 and 088 mufflers.

Most of the time, opening up the muffler will increase power ... but it is not really that simple. A lot of what works (or not) depends on your port and ignition timing.

Usually, ported saws benefit the most from less restrictive exhaust. But I've had situations when opening up the exhaust reduced torque and did not increase power on a factory ported cylinder. On one Asian 660 (with Cross P+C), the difference was significant, and was not discernable till you put the saw in wood. It piss revved just great, with instant response, but fell on its face when cutting a large round of dead/dry Chestnut Oak.

Usually, most of the gains from muffler mods can be had from small changes, and larger openings often do little more than generate more noise. If you open a muffler up too much, you will lose your charge out the exhaust before it is burned. Ideally, you want the pulse (at WOT) to keep unburned charge in the saw and evacuate the burned charge as much as possible.

I had 2 near identical Cross cylinders (purchased at the same time). I opened up the muffler on only one of them. Piss revving, I thought for sure it would be the stronger of the two, but in the wood, it just died. I put an unmodified (AM) muffler on it, and it ran just as strong as the other saw. (Note: These were AM mufflers with no baffles).

I called these 2 cylinders my "Asian twins". Both ran very well for unmodified cylinders. I built one for my brother and the other for the guy next door. Both of them were very happy with the performance, and both saws still run.

Like headers on a car, the exhaust of a chainsaw is a "pulse", not a constant flow, and if you are lucky enough to get the exhaust in sync with that pulse, you will increase power. Often, small moves are better than large moves, and experimentation can pay dividends.

Even folks who make pipes for piped saws generally do tons of testing before they settle on the final product. It is not an exact science.
Hey Canada, do you think that you can harvest some of your forests instead of letting it all go up in flames and pollution our air?
good god don't get me started on this garbage. its " global warming"..... or no. now it is "climate change".... now its back to hire global temps causing the fires. how about it was arson and now they can lean on this to push for more "climate change laws" or should I say......more laws to gain more control. cant wait until they get the supreme court to go after wood burning stoves. I know some states are already trying it.
Ever go to The Tail of The Dragon, Deals Gap? I haven't been there on my bike but did run it in a Jeep Cherokee 3 years ago when down in Tennessee on business. It has 318 curves in 11 miles.
thats an insane # of turns to mile ratio, almost 29 turns per mile. no but iv always wanted to take a super moto there. that is my kind of bike.

My previous one


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good god don't get me started on this garbage. its " global warming"..... or no. now it is "climate change".... now its back to hire global temps causing the fires. how about it was arson and now they can lean on this to push for more "climate change laws" or should I say......more laws to gain more control. cant wait until they get the supreme court to go after wood burning stoves. I know some states are already trying it.
In the 70's the powers that be were telling us about global cooling and the coming ice age. That didn't cause the controlling fear they needed so it changed to global warming. CO2 was the cause. Funny fact the more CO2 there is the better plants grow. Now that must not have alarmed people enough so we are on to climate change. Keep the sheeple fearful so the elitists can grab more money and power. There I did it for you @U&A
In the 70's the powers that be were telling us about global cooling and the coming ice age. That didn't cause the controlling fear they needed so it changed to global warming. CO2 was the cause. Funny fact the more CO2 there is the better plants grow. Now that must not have alarmed people enough so we are on to climate change. Keep the sheeple fearful so the elitists can grab more money and power. There I did it for you @U&A

C02 level are actually VERY low right now. But hay, trump is not tweeting mean things so its ok.

Ok im done.

Not sorry about bringing politics to the table tho.
Looks like a cast muffler similar to early 880 and 088 mufflers.

Most of the time, opening up the muffler will increase power ... but it is not really that simple. A lot of what works (or not) depends on your port and ignition timing.

Usually, ported saws benefit the most from less restrictive exhaust. But I've had situations when opening up the exhaust reduced torque and did not increase power on a factory ported cylinder. On one Asian 660 (with Cross P+C), the difference was significant, and was not discernable till you put the saw in wood. It piss revved just great, with instant response, but fell on its face when cutting a large round of dead/dry Chestnut Oak.

Usually, most of the gains from muffler mods can be had from small changes, and larger openings often do little more than generate more noise. If you open a muffler up too much, you will lose your charge out the exhaust before it is burned. Ideally, you want the pulse (at WOT) to keep unburned charge in the saw and evacuate the burned charge as much as possible.

I had 2 near identical Cross cylinders (purchased at the same time). I opened up the muffler on only one of them. Piss revving, I thought for sure it would be the stronger of the two, but in the wood, it just died. I put an unmodified (AM) muffler on it, and it ran just as strong as the other saw. (Note: These were AM mufflers with no baffles).

I called these 2 cylinders my "Asian twins". Both ran very well for unmodified cylinders. I built one for my brother and the other for the guy next door. Both of them were very happy with the performance, and both saws still run.

Like headers on a car, the exhaust of a chainsaw is a "pulse", not a constant flow, and if you are lucky enough to get the exhaust in sync with that pulse, you will increase power. Often, small moves are better than large moves, and experimentation can pay dividends.

Even folks who make pipes for piped saws generally do tons of testing before they settle on the final product. It is not an exact science.
Canned exhausts don't pulse like a tuned exhaust, at best its extremely weak by comparison, and hardly helps to super charge the cylinder. Your really just looking to optimize the flow while keeping enough backpressure to keep too much fuel/air mix from escaping the cylinder. I think the number to shoot for is around 70% of the area of your exhaust port. Although I agree, trial and error seems to be the ticket for how much you can get away with.

C02 level are actually VERY low right now. But hay, trump is not tweeting mean things so its ok.

Ok im done.

Not sorry about bringing politics to the table tho.
Don't apologize, it's not just political it's something we all live with daily. I don't remember the coming ice age, but I sure remember we should have died like 15 years ago from the ice caps melting. Lol...
Canned exhausts don't pulse like a tuned exhaust, at best its extremely weak by comparison, and hardly helps to super charge the cylinder. Your really just looking to optimize the flow while keeping enough backpressure to keep too much fuel/air mix from escaping the cylinder. I think the number to shoot for is around 70% of the area of your exhaust port. Although I agree, trial and error seems to be the ticket for how much you can get away with.
super read. thanks for sharing!

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