Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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In addition to all our work projects this WE, we also took down a good size Black Cherry tree that was starting to get unhealthy. I plan to mill part of the bottom and we also made some nice firewood.

Was great to have MechanicMatt up there with a little excavator with a thumb. I fell it with the top across our driveway, and he hauled the rest of it out for us!


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Well... my day started out with the house cold after I fired up the OWB yesterday. I did not add wood last night before bed figuring that it was good, so thought that was the problem. I get out there and the water is up to temp and it's idling away with enough wood still in the firebox. Hmmm. Then I spotted a constant drip on one of the legs - oh no! But I look above and the water jacket is completely dry. Huh? So I get down for a close look and see this and this:
As near as I can tell, the slight bend in the PEX right at the corrugated tube and constant movement over the years cracked it and started to leak today. So... I went to the OWB box in the garage to get a 1" barbed fitting and a couple of Central Boiler stainless steel clamps and cut/spliced it back together. Also trimmed a bit of corrugated tube for some relief on the bend. I cut out about 1/2" of PEX where I could see cracks. I hope I'm not redoing that job again this winter.
Bear is good just a little greasy.
My daughter says we are not having that problem with our bear. Perhaps it is the age, or the preparation, or the fact that it is a real woods bear (eating mostly black cherries based on the droppings) and not feeding from garbage dumps.

The guy from the cabin next to me says where he lives (about 20 minutes West of my cabin, in farm country) the bears eat a lot of garbage and taste horrible!
OK, I never really paid much attention to the "make" of vices or frying pans (till you guys started posting). I just cared if something worked well or not.

So, what must have been the first vice I ever purchased (and was my only one for years) - I can't remember when I bought it, but I know it was not my Dads, so it must have been after I got my first house around in 1978.

It is Red - says "Columbian" and D6-3.5" (but it opens to 5"). Has always worked well for me, but don't know if they are "desirable" or not! On the other side it says "Columbus Ohio - Made in USA".

More recently I got 3 others from HF and they all seem to work fine. One is up at the cabin, one is on an outside bench that I cover with a grill cover, and I'm going to mount the other one to fit into the trailer hitch on the truck.
Last night we got 2 good size bears in the same picture! Not seeing many deer! :(

Still catching up on reading the posts!

I fixed my table saw today ... it needed a new switch. The new switch was not the same size, or wired the same and came with no instructions! Connecting the posts was pure guesswork and resulted in some circuit breaker resets.

Finally got it to work (4 wires all have to be right) and made wood spacers to make it snug!

The new switch was supposed to come Wed or Thurs, but did not arrive at HD till Fri! As a result, I had to use the circular saw for all the boards instead of the table saw. A lot of extra marks and drawing line instead of just setting the guide!
Where’s this picture?????

Yeah, that thumb is awesome

That vise at camp comes in handy!

Did you get my email about maybe a skid steer would be better for backfilling??

The weekend of the 22 is no good for me btw

But you and Chris should go get another bear!!
Well... my day started out with the house cold after I fired up the OWB yesterday. I did not add wood last night before bed figuring that it was good, so thought that was the problem. I get out there and the water is up to temp and it's idling away with enough wood still in the firebox. Hmmm. Then I spotted a constant drip on one of the legs - oh no! But I look above and the water jacket is completely dry. Huh? So I get down for a close look and see this and this:
View attachment 1118881
As near as I can tell, the slight bend in the PEX right at the corrugated tube and constant movement over the years cracked it and started to leak today. So... I went to the OWB box in the garage to get a 1" barbed fitting and a couple of Central Boiler stainless steel clamps and cut/spliced it back together. Also trimmed a bit of corrugated tube for some relief on the bend. I cut out about 1/2" of PEX where I could see cracks. I hope I'm not redoing that job again this winter.
I wonder if schedule 40 would be any better. I have seen it swell but never burst in cold weather here.
Sometimes "stuff" just happens. We've all been there, done that. And most of us have done it many times! LOL. No injuries and no damaged equipment, so I'd consider that a "W". Hope you get it all bucked up after the rain ceases.

Looks like I will be able to noodle and load in the morning. Forecast this evening shows "Scattered showers". I have one more good sized leaner to get done before our wet season gets going - no access into that creek bottom once the ground gets muddy.
My daughter says we are not having that problem with our bear. Perhaps it is the age, or the preparation, or the fact that it is a real woods bear (eating mostly black cherries based on the droppings) and not feeding from garbage dumps.

The guy from the cabin next to me says where he lives (about 20 minutes West of my cabin, in farm country) the bears eat a lot of garbage and taste horrible!
not farm raised!! :(
There was a big Kioti tractor up in Maine for sale last year that was broke in half. Updated, I found the tractor. It is a 2019. Owner claimed it only had 800 hours on it. The two year structural warranty had expired. He wanted $32k for it.
Broke right at the loader mount.... yeah, nope not worth $32k.
Had another busy weekend, cleaned up the house Saturday for my boys party Sunday. Sunday wad busy cooking and helping set up for the party. Monday I went over to a friend's house and started top downing a walnut between his shop and property line tree row. That was/is quite an adventure. Got 90% of the top out, have one big limb to take down then chunk out some of the trunk and drop it. We'll finish it the next time I have off. It made me remember why I don't volunteer with difficult removals. Fourtonalty, nothing went wrong so all is well. I haven't been up in a tree in about 3 years, I ached pretty bad at the end of the day and my buddy ended up going up in the tree. I did the coaching and ground work. It was great having a guy familiar with climbing and competent running a saw to work with. Well finish up the next time I have off. Which brings us to Tuesday, helped clean up from the party a bit, then got my wife to help me square and set the base rails for the shop frame. Anchored them down and started building the trusses. Got quite the contraption rigged up on the tractor to pick them up and set them. Worked pretty good. I'll have to take pictures tonight.
Sorry if I missed a discussion on pans/skillets… tried to gloss over all of the BL posts in the last eight pages and must’ve missed some real content from the rest of you guys. I certainly would’ve added my two cents lol

Saw this picture on Facebook with caption something to the effect of “ Jimmy’s last vacation photo” lol. Apparently, this old boy didn’t get the memo about zigzagging.
