Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Sorry if I missed a discussion on pans/skillets… tried to gloss over all of the BL posts in the last eight pages and must’ve missed some real content from the rest of you guys. I certainly would’ve added my two cents lol

Saw this picture on Facebook with caption something to the effect of “ Jimmy’s last vacation photo” lol. Apparently, this old boy didn’t get the memo about zigzagging.

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They run faster than a quarter horse 🐴,
That's a bummer, looked like a nice unit.
Mines a 2014 and a lot smaller, it's done some very hard work, not sure of the hrs as the meter broke at 181 many yrs ago(guess I beat on it too hard lol).
My 2014 NX4510HST that I bought brand new in 2016 just turned 1100 hours.
Had an attack of the almost terminally stupids yesterday and today. Yesterday I ccut an almost horizontal 30" log free at the base...almost. As usual no clearance under it to make any sort of undercut so cut straight down. Naturally it settled before the cut was complete. No matter that I had down it dozens of times over the years and stuck the bar on most of them..;."Let's just keep whittling away. Yep, Jammed tighter than a tick. 28 bar/chain. Drop the MS441 power head and grab 24" bar. Started bucking at the outboard end - got about halfway and jammed bar again. Managed to free that up with wedges. Okay, bag the job and head home.

This morning I was all set with 32" bar on the 441 - finished bucking the log and freed up the 28" bar chain. Time to noodle the rounds. Grab the MS362 with freshly sharped 20" chain. Oh, yeah that's right, It is still sitting on the dining room table. So use the 25" bar. Nope, chain wouldn't noodle and the spare chain is haning on the 'to be sharped" nail. Back home and pooped around in the house with stints in the shop sharpening chainss and setting up the 441 with good (I hope) 20" chain.

Wx drizzly today and supposed to be real rain tomorrow so it will be a day or two to go back to noodle and load up.
I hate when that happens. I usually hit the woods with only one saw and no spare bar and chain. I should put one in my tool box for those special occasions. Usually if that happens I can just lift the tree with my tractor bucket to free the bar.
seen -15 last december during a freak storm
Yeah, that would qualify :cold:. Funny when I see you guys temps down south that are colder than ours 8-12hrs north of you. I noticed @Country bumpkin temps were quite a bit cooler than ours up here at least once last week, hes 12 hrs or so south of here lol.
looks like a pond to me... ah, tank! just needs water! :)
Yeah, but it needs clay before any water will stay in it, maybe next yr. It shouldn't be too hard to get some, everyone digs it out and wants to get rid of it, then they put sand in on top to grade out before building. Where we are in this river valley there isn't as much clayn but other areas not far away have plenty. My old house about 25min away was solid clay, the ground would have 1" or better cracks in it in the middle of summer.
I'm hopeful that I can get the clay for pretty cheap when I'm ready for, we'll see, but no plans for it anytime soon. The good thing is now that I got that tree out and many of the others cleaned up(there's still a few easy ones to do) around it, if I happen to rent a skid I can get a lot done quickly, then it should be ready for clay.
I hate when that happens. I usually hit the woods with only one saw and no spare bar and chain. I should put one in my tool box for those special occasions. Usually if that happens I can just lift the tree with my tractor bucket to free the bar.
Only one saw, and no spare chains :oops:. I'd put a spare saw in that tool box if I were you 😆.
The tractor has gotten me.out of many jambs, then again, it's gotten me into a few sticky situations too lol.
Broke right at the loader mount.... yeah, nope not worth $32k.
There were pictures of boulder around the tractor. Others thought that maybe he had had been moving them and bouncing all over the place with that big machine. My guess he should have bought a bulldozer for his clearing work instead of a tractor.
Only one saw, and no spare chains :oops:. I'd put a spare saw in that tool box if I were you 😆.
The tractor has gotten me.out of many jambs, then again, it's gotten me into a few sticky situations too lol.
I'm usually only 5 - 10 minutes away from my garage if I need something in a hurry. Now that I have a gate on my logging road I can bring a tractor bucket of tools over if need be. I used to hate bringing over a lot of stuff in the bucket just to unload it at the end of my logging road to move the 2 boulders. I always have my chipper or logging winch on the back which keeps me from using my trailer hitch carrier.
There were pictures of boulder around the tractor. Others thought that maybe he had had been moving them and bouncing all over the place with that big machine. My guess he should have bought a bulldozer for his clearing work instead of a tractor.
One thing that's been very apparent to me from working heavy duty diesel is people don't understand the limitations of equipment that wasn't made to do loader work. Any utility/farm tractor wasnt designed with loader work in mind, it's just a handy add on vs a back hoe/wheel loader that the loader is an integral part of the frame/chassis. Not realizing that is why stuff like this happens.
Edit: now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my tractor for much, but I'm sure not going to be doing land clearing or bouncing over big rocks either.
Where’s this picture?????

Yeah, that thumb is awesome

That vise at camp comes in handy!

Did you get my email about maybe a skid steer would be better for backfilling??

The weekend of the 22 is no good for me btw

But you and Chris should go get another bear!!
I'm not as worried about backfilling as I am about digging out the rest of what we have to dig out. Have discussed it with your Dad, call me and I will give you details.
Sorry if I missed a discussion on pans/skillets… tried to gloss over all of the BL posts in the last eight pages and must’ve missed some real content from the rest of you guys. I certainly would’ve added my two cents lol

Saw this picture on Facebook with caption something to the effect of “ Jimmy’s last vacation photo” lol. Apparently, this old boy didn’t get the memo about zigzagging.

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Saw this picture on Facebook with caption something to the effect of “ Jimmy’s last vacation photo” lol. Apparently, this old boy didn’t get the memo about zigzagging.
Don't worry about those cute, cuddle little bears. A little pepper spray and an alert system and you will be fine!

We know bears don't really want to eat people!

It is like my Uncle used to tell me ... If you don't allow some hunting of predators, pretty soon we start to look like sheep!
Looks like I will be able to noodle and load in the morning. Forecast this evening shows "Scattered showers". I have one more good sized leaner to get done before our wet season gets going - no access into that creek bottom once the ground gets muddy.
So much for finishing that tree. Out just before 0800 and set to noodling big rounds into quarters. Only 12 so shouldn't take long. Yep, 3 plus hours later I had 3/4 load, the biggest load on that short bed pickup I have ever done since I got it. Truck has cab high racks and I load to the top. All rounds noodled but still 4 on the ground to load in the morning. Over a tank of fuel through the MS441. Truck waiting to be unloaded as soon as I am done with the computer.

Not nice working conditions. Cloudy with a chilly breeze.

Pick up the remainder in the morning and fall another big leaner with a nice verticle stem at the end of it. Nice out there cutting actual firewood instead of just brush and deadfall.
My 2014 NX4510HST that I bought brand new in 2016 just turned 1100 hours.
That's what I like to hear! Hoping I have many years and trouble-free hours with mine as well. I also agree with what @sean donato said above, I use my tractor, and will probably use it "hard" when the need arises, but I try not to crossover into "abuse", and keeping up with regular maintenance should help as well.
We've got lots of bear sightings and trail cam pics of bear on our property as well. For some reason, the images I got from my memory cards last week won't upload here. Been trying for a couple of days ever since @MustangMike posted his pictures the other day, but for some reason they won't upload. We did definitely have more bear sightings last year though. I figured we'd be seeing A LOT of bear here right about now, as our temps have been getting down to or close to freezing at night, and the sun is going down sooner, so I figured that they'd be putting on the feedbag, getting ready to hibernate. Not sure why I'm not seeing as many right now as I was last Fall though.
We've got lots of bear sightings and trail cam pics of bear on our property as well. For some reason, the images I got from my memory cards last week won't upload here. Been trying for a couple of days ever since @MustangMike posted his pictures the other day, but for some reason they won't upload. We did definitely have more bear sightings last year though. I figured we'd be seeing A LOT of bear here right about now, as our temps have been getting down to or close to freezing at night, and the sun is going down sooner, so I figured that they'd be putting on the feedbag, getting ready to hibernate. Not sure why I'm not seeing as many right now as I was last Fall though.
Take a screen shot of them and then upload that.
Take a screen shot of them and then upload that.
Good suggestion Brett. Let's see if this works now........Ahh, success. Wonder why it wouldn't upload the regular pictures? Again, not the greatest pictures, but you can see it. I've got some really good pictures and videos, but these ones were the most recent.

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One thing that's been very apparent to me from working heavy duty diesel is people don't understand the limitations of equipment that wasn't made to do loader work. Any utility/farm tractor wasnt designed with loader work in mind, it's just a handy add on vs a back hoe/wheel loader that the loader is an integral part of the frame/chassis. Not realizing that is why stuff like this happens.
Edit: now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my tractor for much, but I'm sure not going to be doing land clearing or bouncing over big rocks either.
You are absolutely right about some equipment not being built for heavy work. I recall looking at a New Holland 30hp?? tractor before I bought my Kioti. The center section of the tractor was so inferior looking for the size of the machine. Based on looks only the Mahindra was by far the heaviest tractor of all the ones I looked at. The 3pth area was definetly the most rugged looking between 4 different tractor brands. Kioti says not to use a 3pth backhoe on my tractor without a subframe. They claim it will break the 3pth.