Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Got my new rim installed and got the ole DC Case mobile for the first time since I bought it. Now to swap the water pump out with the new one and start changing some fluids.

Waytago! Glad to see another old one saved! I am pondering buying another H farmall with a bad engine. I need another one like I need a hole in the block. But if I don't save it, it will probably be melted down.
I can remember when lots of hardware stores in NY sold ammo ... and some even had guns ... but no more! Dang politicians!
My first 2 guns came from the little mom&pop store just up the road from our farm. Winchester 16 gauge single shot and the 30/30 that killed my buck this year. 22 shorts were 50 cents a box. Barlow pocket knives were $1.99. Dad would give us a $1 and we would fill up the old 5 gallon Jerry can with Atlantic gas and we could stihl buy a soda or popsicle with the change. Damn I'm getting old.
G'day fellers,

I've been up on Dad's boat for the last week, I assume nothing interesting had happened while I've been away. Let me know if I'm wrong.

Dad has a 32ft Island Gypsy flybridge cruiser, about 40 years old that lives in a marina up in Brisbane, about half way up the east coast of Oz. We went out into Moreton Bay a couple of days but the winds were against us so the fishing was pretty marginal. At this time of year, things are generally pretty calm but not this time around. Since we couldn't comfortably go out into the bay in the last couple of days, the Cowkids spent some time rowing the tender, under Cowdad's supervision.


It looks calm but it wasn't and they nearly hit a couple of million $ boats when a big gust caught them. But they didn't so it's all good.

The Cowcat Mk II was friendly when we got home.


The house was 9° Oz when we got home so getting the fire going was a priority. Once up to temperature, I was putting in the big boys.


If chucking thumping big lumps of peppermint into the fire is wrong, I don't want to be right.

She graduated from the aviation academy her high school has as a summer program. She has a log book now and has flown 5 hours already
The Experimental Aircraft Association EAA has $10K scholarships available to youth to help pay for their private pilot training...our chapter has awarded a few with successful outcomes. Local chapters are located all over the world. Also, the HUGE week-long EAA convention and airshows are starting this week in Oshkosh Wisconsin..worth a visit.
The Experimental Aircraft Association EAA has $10K scholarships available to youth to help pay for their private pilot training...our chapter has awarded a few with successful outcomes. Local chapters are located all over the world. Also, the HUGE week-long EAA convention and airshows are starting this week in Oshkosh Wisconsin..worth a visit.
Love EAA week. Get to see lots of old war birds flying in formation over our house and at work. The noise from a handful of them makes me wonder what hundreds of them sounded like. Must've been a sight!

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