Off topic, but it's between working with firewood. White bass season's started at the lake I fish regularly. We'll there's really no white bass season, just a transition from Summer to Fall patterns. In Summer, they're out schooling on the flats. Guys with boats are still catching them out there.
In the Fall when the water temps drop, the come into the rip rap chasing the shad. I walk the rip rap and the adjoining sandy beach in late Fall. Those Fall fish will slam a 1/8 oz jig close to the bank and nearly rip the rod out of your hands. Lot's of fun catching a bucket of 12"-14 fish. I don't keep anything less than 10" and those are few.
I've never gone in early September. Have had people tell me I should be out in September, so I went.
Lots of small ones (6"-8") from the beach area. Well I have 4 kittens to support now so I kept a few. Enough for a couple meals for me and them.
Cooked in cast iron (I hope
@WoodAbuser would approve even though it's not baking) and sided with sliced onion, potato salad and fried okra. My okra was planted lake and with these cool spells we've been having, hasn't produced a lot. Still, I found enough for a meal.
My presentation isn't as good as
@svk (Happy B. Day... hope you had a good one) but it didn't stay on the plate long to look at. And some of you guys may criticize my choice of beer being from St.L area, but AB just can't beat the flavor.

Oh, and I forgot the fresh garden tomatoes. Should have had some.
Now time for a little after dinner rye.