Cutting trees that are -arguably- 'arborist territory' is not your typical scrounge, I guess, but that's what I've been doing recently... Well, in the weekends... because I'm a weekend warrior

. Which basically means only saturdays (no noise on sunday... it's a rule here). Firewood is a bit harder to come by nowadays, for free, and we chose to take on a challenge... with the help of a real 'Tirfor' (that's Tractel's brand name, from French 'tire fort', which means pull strongly) that I borrowed from a friend.
We = me and a buddy, who not only recently installed a stove, but was also seriously infected by the chainsaw virus, by me

. We take on jobs together, with only the firewood as compensation. But we do clean up, which includes leaving branches on a pile... that is, in this case, slowly becoming huge.
Been there twice now, and only last time I had the 'Tirfor' available, which turned out to be a great tool... I'm definitely gonna buy one.
We got quite some firewood out of that location already, with way more work and wood to come.
Mostly used one of my 026's, and the 044 where needed... And had a lot of fun doing it, even though I let my buddy (with his 4 Husqvarna's

) do lots of things so he gets the chance to learn stuff, which is exactly what he wants.
Don't have a lot of pics to share though, there aren't much to begin with but also there were quite some people around and I'm principally not too fond of smearing people's faces all over the net... Including mine

. Did a bit of blurring though...
The pics should make clear what I meant with the arborist thing, and also why I was a bit apprehensive to actually start and do this 'job'. Still consider it a hobby...