Shifting gears...Just got in this Disston DA-211

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Another member here made a roadtrip and came back with some awesome saws. I ended up with this DA-211, and it was still only the 2nd coolest saw in the bunch. I'll let him elaborate if he chooses.

Now, I've always maintained that a KB-7 is only 2-man saw I'd ever want to own. However, 67Mustang Steve brought his 211 to the Poulan GTG and after hearing that thing in the cut, I added it to my list, albeit 2nd place.

Anyways, the picture showed it missing some parts and hard-to-find ones at that. Fortunately the seller dug thru his barn and found nearly all of them in a box. Far as I can tell, the only thing missing (aside, possibly, from assorted screws) is the rear handle crossbar with the throttle levers. The saw turns over with fair compression, nothing broken and nothing rotted away. I see the rear handles are a bit tweaked but that will be easy to straighten.

Yes, that is a Pioneer 750 hiding behind the bar.

I would have never seen this thread had you not mentioned it in your email.

Road trip .... with that traffic, it felt more like a journey! The neat thing was I had a vehicle large enough to get them all and would have never been possible with my Jeep.

I was happy to go get them .... that's half the fun of all this, right?

IYO, what was the 'coolest' saw in the bunch? Your Disston gets my vote! Why was Mike all bundled up like that? Like it was cold out or something ... yesterday, I was about ready to get out the sunscreen! Beautiful day!

That whole gathering at Mark's looks like it had some real memories .... his restored 8500 ... your Disston .... everybody getting a little bit of something done .... and the saw running in the dark ... priceless!

Wow, you sure turned it around quick! I guess being on vacation helped a bit, too. When are you going to run it again?
I was just glad I got the chain sharpened somewhat close to right. I'm not used to that big a chain!

Any log worthy of a saw that size and Mike would need a shovel nearby to unbury himself. Its very close to right!

Way to go, boys.
Mark knows how to sharpen chain. No doubt. Any failings in that video are the saw and its mechanic.

Got a new challenge coming for him and he can't 'cheat' with a grinder.

This sucker has scratcher chain.


Chris B.
I've seen some scratchers that were seriously sharp and would easily outcut chippers, but I must admit I've had no luck trying to sharpen them. Sawbones knows how.
Mark knows how to sharpen chain. No doubt. Any failings in that video are the saw and its mechanic.

Got a new challenge coming for him and he can't 'cheat' with a grinder.

This sucker has scratcher chain.


Chris B.

so you found a kb?
i have a friend that has one of these old disstons.he was wanting me to work on it so that he could resell it later.its in pieces but he has new coils for much should i offer him for it?
You can always go up with an offer............going down is frowned upon for some reason. try $100
Back in '05, IIRC, someone emailed to me a long list of NOS Disston parts that they they wanted to sell as a lot. It was one of those awkward "You make an offer first" deals. Another AS member found out? knew about? the parts and was going to contact the seller. I don't know what, if any, deal was made. A few weeks ago I was digging through some old docs and came across the list.
It wasn't back in '05, but I bought two DA-211s and one KA-211 along with a pile of spare parts a few years ago. I rebuilt all three and sold the left over spare parts to another member here.

It wasn't you, Brad. The seller had a very long list of NOS Disston part, but no complete saws that I can recall. I wonder if the ASer who butted-in had the $$ to buy the entire stock.
so you found a kb?

If you call tripping over the listing while surfing the interweb 'found' then yes.

This sucker has scratcher chain.

I have to take this back. Looking at the picture again, there are far too few cutters for scratcher chain. It looks more like the Disston C-type chisel chain. A little more familiar but 3/4" pitch nonetheless.

Chris B.
If you call tripping over the listing while surfing the interweb 'found' then yes.

I have to take this back. Looking at the picture again, there are far too few cutters for scratcher chain. It looks more like the Disston C-type chisel chain. A little more familiar but 3/4" pitch nonetheless.

Chris B.

That wont hurt my feelings any but I think we might have to get a bigger wheel for the grinder. :laugh:

You need one of those old pedal-powered grinding rocks that didn't seem to be round when you sharpened your "Old Hickory" kitchen knives. Sharpens everything

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