Some more food for thought. My hbeam is a W6x6. I plated the top flange using 1/2in plate. I used 3/4 plate on both sides of the web. Using a 24in tall, knife edge, 6way wedge, My 5in cyl can and often does twist the hbeam. I chose to use a 24in tall wedge because I often do split wood in excess of 32in dia. I suspect the combination of large dia wood and the extra tall wedge contribute to the twisting factor. Non the less, If you have the extra plate, I think I would give serious consideration to at least plateing the top flange. Usually the pusher block is made to wrap around the hbeam flange. After extened use, the flange has a tendency to cup. Plating the flange just adds re-enforcement to a already weak area of the beam.