So, he is a '
No actually he's quite the "hit" on the buzz, but that place is way to FOR REAL for me , not much to laugh about there ...
So, he is a '
No actually he's quite the "hit" on the buzz, but that place is way to FOR REAL for me , not much to laugh about there ...
More likely we could trade some secrets Justin. We'll get together sometime. I got some friends up your way.
I will I am gonna go visit his goofy ass sometime this week .. I will make him pose with it ....He's a member here but he doesn't want to be known , he's a LURKER.....
i've been inviting you up here for a while now, tv...... bring your saddle with you when you come out and you can be my climber for the day.
I put the saddle on and somebody's gotta tuck at least 1500 clam$ in my pocket after a few hours.
You buyin?
I put the saddle on and somebody's gotta tuck at least 1500 clam$ in my pocket after a few hours.
You buyin?
Yeah, I know this thread may go crazy, But, Dude, I was a contract climber for many years and you are not fooling me.
Feeling good, huh? $500 bucks an hour to climb? He is not hiring a sub-contractor, he is asking you to come with your gear as a contract climber and you say not for less than $500 bucks an hour. Yeah, I would like to see that. Dirty is footing the job and the dump fees and you think you can over-ride that cost with you being there climbing? How long have you been in this biz?
Yeah, I know this thread may go crazy, But, Dude, I was a contract climber for many years and you are not fooling me. Just tell Dirty you are busy!
yeah....but you were never any good.
I am going to respond nicely as I figure you out. You are a trippy dude, and if I had a party , you would be one of the first on the invite list!!!
when and where?
You takin this all wrong....been on my own for 40 years. The idea of climbing "for someone" is ludicrous, esp for an employee of someone.
I have fought a million battles over the decades and done quite well.
Now the idea of SPLITTING a job with someone is another story. I'd climb, bucket , run the crane or even do the ground...just to SPLIT with a friend...just as long as I guessed it...
1500 clams
lotta pusses hang out over there. you'd fit right in.
who's your boy over there? same dude that runs his crane off level and then tells the world its the driveway he set up on and had to ride the brake to keep the turret from moving?
lol, what a stiff.
ah yes..... 101. glad to see you still a fool. i sat back just enough to watch you post a bit more and in the reading of some of your more recent post it occurs to me that you are indeed all that i say you are.... i love it. your own postings have seem to have proven what i've said about you to be true. just another hack outfit.
and i can also proudly say that i have never smoked crack. proudly you say? sure.
and look at you trying to find out a little more about me... college? sure, i put a couple years into it but it was mostly for the party. and wouldn't any parent be proud to have their child do what they love? it's your parents who should be a little down trodden. a hack for a son brings no pride, i'd think.
and well in regards to your boyfriend and his crane skills i'd have to say bs to that. who runs a crane out of level? that shows incompetence, no? must be a reeeaaal nice guy to publicly admit to being the cause to not getting any warrantee work done on his rotation motor. lol. if you can't get your crane level you shouldn't be working with one.
and i was going to keep your stupidity between us about the 375 hp's on the woodsman but i'd rather put up a picture up. maybe see if we can get some of these diesel power junkies to translate the numbers for you. i was surprised even.
oh and if you don't think i don't know that i know that i am in fact a complete ******** then you are indeed a fool. mr duncecap himself, even.
thanks for some more hearty laughter at you, *******.
anyone care to help 101 with the conversion?
Wow a cribbed up crane and a pic so small that no one can read ...Dude really take that break you threatened everyone with please , you are a waste ... Go be superman in jm's butthole please , I have accomplished more before I was old enough to drink than you in 34 years , LIKE I SAID YOUR WEEKS PAY COULDN'T EVEN FILL MY TRUCKS , and that's if some smo was dumb enough to overpay ya between 25/30 hr..