It sure is a nice evening.
"Scream rich when poked a bit by a novice?" What's up with that?"
Not particularly, no. You seem to tho.....Wow, you really love yourself.
Hey, at least he's not crying in his beer about that broad!
It ain't just when I poke at you.
When is it Blakey? Wanna talk bout it? And just HOW does that make you feel? (like a jackwagon from mambypamby land?)
I think you come across as arrogant sometimes.. it's all good though.
Seems like this thread has become more about treeguys dealing with their own egos, rather than crane work..
I know I'm bad ass, so there's really no need to brag here!![]()
I are kinda bad ass (in sorta a gay metro sexual way......
no offense meant)![]()
Hey, I think I saw a rust bubble or two on some of your equipment, better get out the paint roller and florescent orange latex! lmfao!
Get hot vet!![]()
no wulf. sitting on the phone in the truck eating lunch. spouting some hate off to Asites resident polesmoker. but i just heard the crane fire up so i gotsta go. be safe next week.
101. go #### yourself.
Ouch! You guys gotta meet someday, and bring a video guy!
check'n email and what not fatbody.
your old job is easy. you have to try to get yourself in trouble doing it. oooooh a connector..... righty tighty with the wrench? tough stuff.
listen dude. just because you own your own gig doesn't mean you are not a hack. you don't contribute here visually because what you do is sub par at best. you a fat lazy prick with zero in tree on rope skill. you bid and try to get only bucket work keeping yourself out of harms way because you take on easy work. you haven't stood up straight and seen your penis in about 10 years and all your cuts are crooked. in general, you suck.
now in reference to me being a hack one trick pony i've got multiple pics proving otherwise. many pics. remember? i love the camera, right? so of course i have a myriad of action shots on this site. so again your wrong and or stupid. one of the two or both even.
and then when you say no one respects my opinions...... really? who climbs in my saddle? who asks for crane help off forum? how many other dudes do you chat with almost daily on here?
who gets the invite for all the classy gigs in town? i do, peckerhead.
a man like you..... laughable.
you'll get your vid soon enough just waiting on a camera set up.
....... a man like you.
oh eddie. thanks man i needed that laugh.
Soon I will bring some video and or pics of my new knuckleboom crane (not osha approved and not 80k). I even built the thing:jawdrop:. It's rated at about a ton w/ 20' of stick and mounts to my skid steer, lol.
Hey don't laugh too hard, it comes in handy for picking butt logs out of rock gardens and such. Even built and set a bridge with it, does that qualify as iron work? Maybe not since it was aluminum, lol.
I operate it too, so if I get a cranky operator I have nobody to blame.:greenchainsaw:
Soon I will bring some video and or pics of my new knuckleboom crane (not osha approved and not 80k). I even built the thing:jawdrop:. It's rated at about a ton w/ 20' of stick and mounts to my skid steer, lol.
Hey don't laugh too hard, it comes in handy for picking butt logs out of rock gardens and such. Even built and set a bridge with it, does that qualify as iron work? Maybe not since it was aluminum, lol.
I operate it too, so if I get a cranky operator I have nobody to blame.:greenchainsaw:
and what you got and what you might hope to earn in the future.