don't be getting all high and mighty on me now farmboy. its the time you live in. no videotape either. that time has passed. i am talking simple f'n cell phone shots and vids. without proof of the skill you claim you got then yes you just another mouth piece. just the way it is man. pics and vids can back up anything you say. why so scared? if you guys were really as good as you claim to be your boss would be proud to have his name and gear on the net.
Ok, i'm cooled off a bit, sorry for going off like that oldirty, i usually like you because you shine a light on a part of our business that not many guys do full time. That being said, i honestly can't believe this push for videotape. How many treemen have videos of their work? Maybe fifty, out of thousands? This is part of what i tried to get at about beranek-there are a ton of excellent treemen who work in absolute anonymity. And i've also never seen a climber looking for work who gets asked for a video resume. When i get back to the shop and hear one of my coworkers talking about the sob he did over on lake street, there is never any request for video. Pics and vids can lie just as easy as words-shall i grab a few off the internet to shut you up?
I am getting a little irked about you assuming everyone is a part of the cell phone video age. I've mentioned on this site at least twice that i hate cell phones. I don't own one, never have. We got a company one we carry in the truck for emergencies and that's it. (I know what you are thinking, weak excuse, but it's the truth.)
As for the last part of this paragraph, do you really think your antics have shown the best light on your outfit? I talked to my boss about this, about letting me post some pics of pooh and some of our picks. He checked out this site for a few days and flat out told me no-if his good name is going to be represented and drug through the mud on this site, he will be the one doing it, since it is his baby. To be honest, while i've heard some good things about your outfit, some guys who don't know your outfit at all have run it through the mud too. Besides, i usually hang out in commercial or arborist-do that many homeowners actually come on these forums looking for tree companies that are advertising?
whats the matter wulfy you scared buzzid gonna poke holes in your technique as well? i know of plenty of guys who talk up a game just like you do. man these mutts (and i am using dog reference for you) that seem to know everything and have an answer for every situation and it all sounds right but and here is the but when it comes time to show or do these guys just flat out suck. in fact they scare you with how they work and how unsafe they really are.
Actually, not scared at all, just sick of hearing advice from guys who aren't my peers. Honestly, how many guys on this site go out with a crane five days a week? How many go out with a 60+ ton crane five days a week? Anybody? Please, speak up, i'd love to talk to you. Perfect example, few years ago on a climbing saw thread i mentioned that i prefer rear handle saws, 357 for the small 395 for bigger, i believe. You went out of your way trying to tell me how good the 200t was even in the big stuff. I shrugged you off simply because you had no idea what i was in every day. A couple years later, now that you are closer to being my peer, what do you use every day? Huh? You were talking out your ass at the time because you didn't know what you were talking about for my situation. That's the kind of stuff that irks me-if you do nothing but trim, don't tell me how to do my job.
I'll freely admit it, i'm a son of a #####.

I'm just surprised that even after the years on this site you think i don't know what i'm talking about. But that's your prerogative. How did this site get along before everyone started posting pics? Am i really the only guy on here who hasn't posted a pic?
fragile ego? you crazy. i may be f'd up but a fragile ego i have not. its called confidence. you ever been called the best wulf? eventually that chit goes to your head and you start to believe it as well. now, at this stage in my life i am going for goat. greatest of all time. so yes i will get behind the camera and get in a few pics and have a few pics taken of me. why? because i am so damn good looking and i am so damn good at what i do. its a vicious combination but i make do.
No, i haven't been called the best, simply because i'm not. I've worked with guys better than me. Guys in my outfit are better than me. I just try to keep improving. Besides, when someone who i know is better than me tells me good job, that means a lot more than all these homeowners that must think you are the best. Simple compliments from real peers mean much more to me than titles given by the clueless masses.
And i hate to burst your bubble, but while you are good, your aren't the best. You've got a few years left to go.
do i still high five the boys? hell yeah i do man. when we just got done doing what only we couldve done then you damn right i go over the the dude on the grapple and say great work and then i go over to the kid with the rake and thank him as well. and then say to the crane op great job, too. we just did in short order what wouldve taken joe blow 3 days to do start to finish.
are you telling me that your passion is gone for this game wulf? your #### no longer rises when you finished or in the middle of some hairy situation? maybe you ought to hang up your spikes man. not me dude. i love this game and the places it has put me. in harms way or in total safety i just love what i do. overzealous, maybe but my love for the effort cannot be questioned.
Nope, still love what i do. You really think you are doing stuff that ONLY you could have done? I tell my guys good work at the end of the job. Do i throw a party celebrating and documenting my awesomeness every time we finish a pick. Of course not. Picking fifty trees out of a backyard, while a good job, it isn't actually doing something that no one else can do. When we actually do something impressive, then we high five.
and as far as you coming out the tree when you miss a signal with your crane op all that can be avoided with headset communication. your boss seems to make loot. hell man, for the 15 to 20k you make him a day (yes i still think thats inflated hence the reason for me wanting pics of proof wulfy) you'd figure he'd spring for the communication link making your job that much easier and his day more profitable.
Actually, that was a specific incident i was thinking of several years ago where the sub op didn't want to use a radio. Don't worry, you are not on the cutting edge. We've been using helmet communications since long before you first brought it up.
Lol, and the truth comes out-you've been pissy ever since you found out you aren't the top crane guy in the country or even the northeast. How do you think the boss pays me what he does? My crew usually does $100k worth of work for him a week. My crane will do in one pick what takes yours three. Get over it, you're still in the bush leagues. I personally know two other outfits in my state that bring in more than you doing crane work.
Final thought, why are pics so essential for you? I've worked with three guys on this site and have done work for two others. That's not enough for this site to actually believe i know something?