Addicted to ArboristSite
got back late monday night from that little road trip..... nice to see you boys getting along so swimmingly with all the grab ass you guys are playing with each other. it's cute, really is.
hey reg, disregard the lying inquiry i was making. the way i read a previous post it sounded as if you were saying that i am less than truthful in my postings. i guess you were not.
that said...
i hate to sound like an ******** reg but i gotta say i am not all that impressed. i am trying. i really am, i promise you that much. just not feeling it though....and then with the peanut gallery chiming in it tells me that there is a thirst for knowledge about the best way to handle crane assisted removal. and that leads me to the belief that what you are showing is actually not the best method. (i love the log dolly btw)
the "peeling an orange cut" leads to pinch city (did i see a little video editing on the pine removal vid?). what saw are you using? your 390? and you are cutting half assed with the thing! it kinda tells me that you might not always know where the pinch is coming from so you kinda just slowly chase it as you cut...... i don't know man its so very hard to explain on the net and in written gibberish but the way i run the saw in the cut is so very different than your way. almost too slow and deliberate. why even use a big powerful saw?
that cut with the wind (the poplar vids of real time action) was almost close to a normal cut but what i wouldve done knowing the growth of the piece slung is going to drag itself off the cut is to have gotten on the back side of that leader first and then cut first what you cut last. maybe almost half way and then come from the top side and met the back cut allowing the piece to float harmlessly away like it tried to do while you were fiddling half throttle with it on the top side originally....
thats on a limb like the one in the vid.
on the pine tree butt you so worried about flipping i would put the choke on the weighted side and had the op boom up just a couple feet to be able to gain the center of gravity when the work comes free. the cut you ask? well knowing that she is weighted that way towards the boom i would pretend to make a felling cut and start the gunning cut in the direction of the weight (towards the boom in this case like the pine had grown.) and then came around with the power head and then finish the cut the same way you would as is you were felling it. meet the kerf from the begging of the cut and then watch the piece sit ever so gently into the boom and then float off toward the chipper. you are not catching the weight because you both ( op and climber) are on the same page weight wise and have the proper amount of tension on the line. these cuts are made at full throttle.
i guess what bothers me the most wulf is that in all the times that i have been around the game for the different companies doing crane related tree work where i am now i know for a fact that they (all the other companies) could not compete with the crew i am on now. i know this as fact. and believe me dude i have been around a bit seeing a few things along the way.
but if there is a better way of doing things and if there is a better climber than i doing it then i would like to see this thing in action. i love tree related vids and pics, that is why i have a hard on for them.... hence me always wanting pics and vids. i just want some proof is all! anyway, yes, in your written word you have proven to be very persuasive in proving that you indeed do know your chit. and i'd just like a chance to see......
here is what i am going to ask of you. i remember telling you in a pm that i long for the days of working with or seeing someone work with more tree skill than i. a day were i can for once feel almost like a student and have the chance to watch and learn but that that hasn't happened in a long time.
sometimes at work i bring up certain topics about AS when the operator and i are talking through the day..... these crane threads more often than not if you'd believe it and while both supe and i are confident in our game we would love the opportunity to see a company of your caliber work. your business model and money number interests him while your method is what i want i want to see.
we may be taking a company break in late november and we would love to come out and see your crew work. just kinda come on out and check out the way you go conduct your business.
you guys would obviously have to provide nothing of course! this trip would be on jm's dime. we obviously would bring our hardhats!!!
and yes you were so very right about using a top handle in crane assisted removals and why i am so vocal against them now. i did in fact learn from my mistake and missed the opportunity to learn from your advice.
anyway, big dawg. what say you? can we make this happen?
I'm down for the show. Not that I doubt you, beowulf, I'd just like to see the operation. I promise, no pics posted to AS, merely a learning op. You can't be THAT far from me....Talk to the boss, if he's down, we'll set up a training day ( maybe money in his pocket ) and let us view the op. Newbies, like myself, as well as ol' buzzidz would be sure to join in the fun.