Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Like I got a pencil and paper when I am eating ! That is when she tells me them things ! Because I tell her how good it is ! :msp_razz:

Only thing on my mind after eating there is laying down ! :msp_razz:

I do member not to use virgin olive oil when making brusheda (sp) Basil & maters chopped up on some little toasted bread. GOOD !!

Ron is hard on me today ! Must be feeling good ! :clap:

OK,,WHO volanteers how to teach John to multi task ???

i know it's hard enuf for him to eat and stay awake at the same time but putting down the shovel and picking up a pencil to write down important stuff is that hard ?????????????????????????

Where do I send muh savings ?


Chit ! You can't even send a box ! :msp_rolleyes:
OK,,WHO volanteers how to teach John to multi task ???

i know it's hard enuf for him to eat and stay awake at the same time but putting down the shovel and picking up a pencil to write down important stuff is that hard ?????????????????????????


You can beat on the Slug all ya want , just let me drive that Vette for a couple months ! :msp_w00t:

Trade ya a box full of Steels fer it ! :msp_w00t:
OK,,WHO volanteers how to teach John to multi task ???

i know it's hard enuf for him to eat and stay awake at the same time but putting down the shovel and picking up a pencil to write down important stuff is that hard ?????????????????????????


I'm busy.....who has lots of free time and Dew to keep his attention?

There , more posts ready for plantin for the Deer Defence System .
I made a curved drawknife from a trailer leaf spring , works just fine for post peelin .

Run one strand of electric on the outside of your other fence.

Wrap some peanut butter in aluminum foil and wrap on fence.

They smell it, try to lick it. And remember where the fence is.

Otherwise they will sprint right into it. Really wreck some fence.
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I fail to see the problem here ...
garden = vegetables,,,,, venison = meat..
1 + 1 = supper..
I wish you were my neighbor ...............My current ones feed the herd of pretty deer :msp_angry:.........

SO ???????

shoot em !!!

they do that here and it's legal..

neighbors complain then tell them to buy your veggies :)
Crop damage?

Potato gun?

Flame thrower?


Angry Smurfs?

Paint ball guns don't work ! Tried that,shot a buck right in the face several times ! He would come right back ! Purdy deer , red,yellar and white face ! LOL
Step son has a full auto paintball gun ! :msp_w00t: Painted that whole deer ! 10mins. later he was right back !
Been out ridin around on the Kubota. Gonna have to give it a good washin and wax, a full service front to rear and figure out why the blades will not engage. But I came out smelling like a rose! :D BX2200 with 60" Pics tomorrow.
What was we talkin bout ? :msp_unsure:

Teaching you to multitask worth reference to eating and writing things down like mom's recipes.

Been out ridin around on the Kubota. Gonna have to give it a good washin and wax, a full service front to rear and figure out why the blades will not engage. But I came out smelling like a rose! :D BX2200 with 60" Pics tomorrow.

Sounds pics!
