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So whats on the grill today ?
I got a whole fresh pork loin trying to decide what to do with it ??
Mornin all!
Happy Independence Day!
Takin a break from saw sharpening..........dremel battery died
Got to work on a trimmer at some point
Got picnics and parties later today
There was a little bit of lint in the line.....
Went with semi rigid. Looks much better. Taped all the joints.
View attachment 303113
It will collect anywhere there is a belly in the flexible line, I always run rigid fasten all fittings with tec screws and foil tape all joints, required here by firemarshall.
This is the first time I have checked in from my home puter in a long time, 92 likes, I feel popular. Started haying it last night, good thing I didn't lay down too much the rain is hitting right now AGAIN :bang::bang::taped:. Looks like I'll be working on the tractors in the rain today :bang::bang::bang:. On the bright side I got the tractor I get to keep and use down to the house today, I'll start working on it and see what develops. I am sick of rain, if this chit doesn't let up soon we will be in trouble for hey this year. I will say that the field I started in last night was a low laying field with no standing water and I didn't even make a track in the low spots, I thought for sure I would make ruts here and there with the rain we've had but I only got the tires damp here and there.
Everyone I asked said no screws. They'll catch lint they said. So I just used tape and straps. My new run is straight. And straped in 4 places. Solid 4" with elbow going through the floor.
View attachment 303122
Everyone I asked said no screws. They'll catch lint they said. So I just used tape and straps. My new run is straight. And straped in 4 places. Solid 4" with elbow going through the floor.
View attachment 303122
Sounds more like a BMW mechanic to me....
Fun fact, The Husqvarna company (started as a firearms company) was actually named after the town it started in, Husqvarna sweden.
The original name was Husqvarna Veppinfabriks. (literally gun factory of Husqvarna)
Everyone I asked said no screws. They'll catch lint they said. So I just used tape and straps. My new run is straight. And straped in 4 places. Solid 4" with elbow going through the floor.
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As long as you keep the bellies out of it and stretch the line out it will be fine. You just want to make sure it is clear from time to time. Jerry's way is the best way to do it but the flex line works just fine if you do it right.
Mark..... Go set up your workbench for saws..
You got a Pioneer Holiday II to look after.
Get ready for questions Jerry!!!!!!