Addicted to ArboristSite
Did do work for BLM and FS for fuel load mapping -ground truthing for aerial estimating; forest and wilderness trail clearing and maintenance; packed rode, grunted and swore in Wyoming and Eastern Oregon.
Built my own harness, rigging, and pack saddles. Have skidded and hauled earth and rock with horsepower - both kinds.
Have owned and run long horns on forest and blm grazing allotments in E Oregon and put up with cut fences and smashed gates from elk and "concerned guardians of the forest".
Have clearcut ROW tracks for electric transmission lines. Actually it was complete deforestation. Have also done selective cutting for stand health.
Have worked and seen some ground with best and worst forest harvest and mangement. Same goes for ranching.
The times we are in now, it seems extremes in thinking prevail and lawsuits severely hamper best management practices for the resource. The cost of compliance and regulatory mis-direction are being underwritten by the taxpayer and end consumer. One size fits all proscription is not likely to succeed.
just my opinion.
Mods - appolgies for topic detour.
sounded on topic to me.