I fired up the Mooberized 346 yesterday for the first time!Made 3 or 4 cuts with it! WOW !!!! That thing is a real beast Randy!

If you know nothing about it, how did you come to the $350 asking price in the classifieds?
I have a Stihl TS760 cutoff saw that I plan on post on CL. Should I be asking $600 for that one if that yeller one is $350?
Make a saw out of it and run it. It wouldn't be that hard. You have been wanting a good saw for years. Now would be the time to make one.
because i asked on here.and a other thing i have learnt how to have thick skin and let it go in one ear and out the other.so say what you want it donj't bother me no more.but i'm trying to show you i have changed but the past is the past and it will haunt me till the day i die i guess.
Have you posted that you were indeed dh1984? If so, I didn't read it here, and I read all of this thread.
If you haven't, then you haven't changed, and the past should haunt you.
well looks liek the cats out of the bag and i am DH1984 and i have moved to mascot tn but i still have my P.O.box in luttrell tn where mom and dad lives.and it's there P.O.box i just use it for my mail too.i'm not trying to cause no truble with no one but i just want to come out and say I am DH1984
but back to this rebagged dolmar 309 How do you get this clutch off? do you turn it counter clock wise or clock wise to get it off?
Dude, the cats BEEN out'a the bag. . . After you got busted for lying AGAIN! That's not changing, that's following the MO that you got banned for the first time.
You've been afforded the opportunity to come clean many times, including when I called you out in the Giving Thread. But instead, you made me look like an ass and fool for doing so (by lying again), and I even got neg repped for it by another member because you lied.
How are people supposed to believe you're on the up-and-up????
When people fact check you, and communicate back and forth in PM's -- everything you type turns out to be bull.
I say you've blown any second chance you may have had, and personally, I think your old man should take you behind the woodshed and whoop your ass. Maybe that's the problem, maybe he dropped the ball and you didn't have any discipline growing up.
Just so you know, I will be warning anyone and everyone I can when you post on this board.
just set back and watch me then if you don't believe me. i have change and think we need to take this to the off topick thread where we won't clutter up this thread here.
And you sit back and watch me report you for being a banned member back under another user name.
well looks liek the cats out of the bag and i am DH1984 and i have moved to mascot tn but i still have my P.O.box in luttrell tn where mom and dad lives.and it's there P.O.box i just use it for my mail too.i'm not trying to cause no truble with no one but i just want to come out and say I am DH1984.
Haha, 2 months later dude? The Cat crawled out of that bag a long time ago!! Glad you finally admitted though, Makes me feel better about that ''your an #######'' neg rep I got from someone (not treewacker btw) for my post made a few pages back in this thread......
i'm sorry about your neg rep i'll give you some to make it up.
Im not worried about the rep, I don't even pay much attention to it anymore.
BTW, That cut off saw will be hard to sell for what your asking. Ive seen several older TS400's for a couple 2 to 3 hundred dollars local.
i need some parts for a echo 500vl,, this is the one i did for a guy today,, he would like to have this extra parts on hand,, he is willing to pay for them with no problem,,,,,,, i need the clutch drum/sprocket,, its 3/8,,, also need either nos or good used points and condensor,,also a starter assembly,, if anyone has these parts or even a blownup parts saw that has them let me know,,,only thing i have right now is that nasty uslees green toilet paper,,,,,,thanks guys
well looks liek the cats out of the bag and i am DH1984 and i have moved to mascot tn but i still have my P.O.box in luttrell tn where mom and dad lives.and it's there P.O.box i just use it for my mail too.i'm not trying to cause no truble with no one but i just want to come out and say I am DH1984
but back to this rebagged dolmar 309 How do you get this clutch off? do you turn it counter clock wise or clock wise to get it off?
I just gave you two guys who got red repped a shot of green that was a hell of a lot bigger than the red one was, whoever gave it.
Thats my little contibution to this #### up. Carry on.:msp_wink:
Haha, 2 months later dude? The Cat crawled out of that bag a long time ago!! Glad you finally admitted though, Makes me feel better about that ''your an a$$hole'' neg rep I got from someone (not treewacker btw) for my post's made a few pages back in this thread......
I just gave you two guys who got red repped a shot of green that was a hell of a lot bigger than the red one was, whoever gave it.
Thats my little contibution to this #### up. Carry on.:msp_wink:
I got Komotsuvarna this afternoon and just gave a MOPAREP!!!!! to Metals 406 too.
I'm sure that between us they are both a LOT better off than they were before they got the neg!