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Only about a million of those produced. Must be a collectors item hence the cool G this guy is asking for it.

I just don't get the high prices being paid for saws produced in there 100's of 1000's and perhaps more than a million some 30 years ago....

That's a 106cc version, same cc as the 070 not exactly rare but getting harder to find in original condition. The 137 cc version on the other hand is a rare bird indeed!
one of these?
Anyone here pruned Eucalyptus stands on a piece rate or know what the going rates are per tree? It's a blue gum plantation and needs a bit of work.
matt. my 7901 is an oz delivered saw not an import, but they have still raised the rrp by about 3-400 in 5 years
Two stories have lived with me through my working life -

From a hospitality course my parents got me to do when I finished high school - It's easier to take a kid who has worked at McDonald's and teach them how to do silver service than it is to take someone who has all the skills but no idea how to work.

From a vineyard manager I knew - have a massive picking crew on day one, talk to everyone, those that stop working to talk you don't get back, those that work and talk you keep.

It applies to any work place, and I will always remember those lessons, whether I'm working for someone or employing someone.
100% Vince. We've got 4 young apprentices at work and I'm done trying to show them anything. You tell them to run a dial on something before machining or tell them to use a mic instead of verniers and all they do is look at you blankly and tell you that they'll just do it their way................. [emoji15]
sounds like i work at the same place you do
Tonight on 7:30 report channel ABC their doing a report on the Adler shotty. Am so fukin over this ***** what next a category k licence for a bloody kitchen knife. If the courts handed out stricter sentences we wouldn't have so many fwits in our society. Like the guy recently that got 7 or 8 years for murder, well actually they down graded the sentence to manslaughter cause he told them were the body was. Wtf seriously
From what I can gather it seems to be that way at alot of places now unfortunately. It's no wonder no one's taking apprentices on if they're all like these ones. Not much you can do to get rid of them either.
yeah we got rid of them a few years ago.. unfortunately a waste of time and effort.. and these were the "good one" from an apprentice contractor.
yer my boss has sworne no more apprentices, the last one was the laziest little prick, just wanted to turn up do nothing a take home big money. only reason the little prick lasted as long as he did was his dad was the bloody cfmeu rep on site. he ended up a qualified carpenter and i doubt he could even form up a 1m x 1m x 1m square box on his own. let alone build a house or hang a door
I've had a young bloke helping me out at the moment and over the last 18 months. He's got one year left of an Ag degree and he's one of those rare young guys who gives me some hope for the future. I had the pleasure of telling him a few weeks ago that he has to pass uni as we'll employ him the second he finishes. He was speechless. Even apologised to me today for yawning while at work. I said "What the hell for?". His reasoning was that he hates yawning at work in case he gives me the impression that he's bored. Bloody good lad. We're employing him all through his school holidays until he graduates. Recent work experience kids however made me want to fill the room with uppercuts...