the all aussie dribble thread!

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I think sometimes the quotes just go funky for no reason - it's happened to me before too. I was just checking in to see what's going on down on the other side of the world and figured I'd use my super powers for good for once.:p

FYI, if you guys are feeling over heated right now, just know that it's just getting warmed back up from a stretch of -30°C here, it's up to about -5°C here now, a real heat wave!
Knowing what a huge China fan you are I thought it might be one of yours, but then I remembered your saws don't actually run.

Wayne, if you don't want your pristine Chinese 070 copy , send it up to me. I have plenty of bits to make it a real Stihl. (that's if the bits interchange)
The real reason is so I can paint it up lime green and then I will name it the ''Green Golly''. If I get it running like a real 90 I will send it back so you can do spot of cutting.

I'm just imagining you running the ''green golly'' now, zipping through blocks running at 7000 rpm's with your neibours watching and wondering whilst you make rooster tails up the back fence.
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You must be dreaming again Neil rooster tails up the back fence ........................ my my

Matt's Cutty cutty chains must be improving or have you been getting tips off of Wayne again
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Wayne, if you don't want your pristine Chinese 070 copy , send it up to me. I have plenty of bits to make it a real Stihl. (that's if the bits interchange)
The real reason is so I can paint it up lime green and then I will name it the ''Green Golly''. If I get it running like a real 90 I will send it back so you can do spot of cutting.

I'm just imagining you running the ''green golly'' now, zipping through blocks running at 7000 rpm's with your neibours watching and wondering whilst you make rooster tails up the back fence.

Thanks Neil, All packed ready to go just PM me you address, you can do what you like with it, I'll chuck in a 090 top end with it.
If It becomes a PIA just send it to Matt (he might be missing it) :D
Thanks Neil, All packed ready to go just PM me you address, you can do what you like with it, I'll chuck in a 090 top end with it.
If It becomes a PIA just send it to Matt (he might be missing it) :D

Yes Matt may well be missing it ,(ha ha) just you wait till I paint it lime green, it will look like a Ozito with a bar room tan.
Perhaps I could start up a new thread and go into fine detail how I removed all that Chinese paint and carefully under coat every visible scrap of saw.
I could call it the ''Great Green Golly from china'' in all its glory,,,,,,,,,, Na **** that.

When I get finished with it you will be able to spray those chips up and over the back fence making your good neighbours run for cover.

(When you get it started of coarse)
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yep when i got my first dirtbike as a youngster first thing to go was the baffle, made the little RM80 go like the clappers

Yep did the same except my 1st was a YZ 80,,,,,,, memories. Hey speaking memories, I realised the other week watching my kids being idiots on bikes at our farm, I did that and now know what my late parents must of thought.
They too now can have a little of what my brother and I had ourselves many years ago.
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yeah the oldies where the same, they where always telling me to put that bloody baffle in or pis off over the hills where they cant hear me.... but then they regretted that, becasue i was riding my bike all over the southern highlands, usually following the train tracks by day and on the tar at night with no lights .lol
but funny how the oldies always tried throwing away my .222 silencers... i had to keep making them up in the shed, i was trying to be a good boy and be quiet :D
I still have a late 70s yz125 that's pretty mint and a mint 80s husqvarna wr250 two stroke I'm pissed that I missed out on the husqvarna 400 but I got a chance to ride it Much like a yz490
I had a Montesa and a Bultaco, I'm surprised the Spanish never made chainsaws.....maybe there's no trees in Spain o_O

I seem to remember looking at a Bultaco once, something was different on them, was it the kick starter on the left or something.
I seem to remember looking at a Bultaco once, something was different on them, was it the kick starter on the left or something.
Not sure Neil.My cousin has a Triumph road bike from around late 60s.when he was overseas he left it with me so it would get a run every month or so...he didnt tell me the rear brake and gear shift are arse about,that took a lot of getting used to!
I still have a late 70s yz125 that's pretty mint
Matt, I know a guy who comes around some shows and has a nice little collection of 70's moto crossers, all from oz and most he has the race history of each bike. He said he travels all over looking for bikes and parts and also gets them through word of mouth at the shows. If I still had my old bikes I would give them to him so they could be displayed and looked after for many years to come. An interesting guy.
trip to French island & bike ride a few critters flies snakes Kbears big as dawgs 10 clicks ride not far but hard work in soft hilly sand and was stopped so close to aim point by chest high grass scrub & swampUSER0938h.jpg

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Rang Kyilie, she told me flip off meh well had to try heaps others have spanked that butt