the all aussie dribble thread!

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twas gonna go paddocks stalk some bunnies but i'm too pooped, up 5am
I'm a lazy sod, i should go as a fun competition my Ruger 96's VS, this US bloke who just tweaked his Henrys to be Mare leg Steve McQueen and we going to try beat each other with a off the hip shoot lever action style,,, say 10 & 25 yards snap shots


your just jealous Neil ..................... and they do run ............ How's Wayne 070 going swap the top end over yet to a 090 ................... 070's are gutless
You are joking aren't you,last 070 i worked on was a strong saw ,still had the fan gov attached but it just chugged all the way through a 30" bluegum i was cutting,good thing it didn't have AV or i would have torn them in half:D
You are joking aren't you,last 070 i worked on was a strong saw ,still had the fan gov attached but it just chugged all the way through a 30" bluegum i was cutting,good thing it didn't have AV or i would have torn them in half:D

I think mc knob has power and torque confused that or his just talking chit ile leave it up to you to work out
Fancy that Bundanoon of all places!! What is your mums name? I might have known her or know someone who did when she lived here as i have lived here since i was one when my parents moved up from Wollongong. Must like it as i have never left. ;)

My grandparents were Jack and Phyllis Thompson. They owned a small farm just out of town. My mum went to one of the old schools there that was run by nuns. They left Bundanoon and moved to SA around 1962.
My mum's name was Dawn Thompson. I'm going to organise a visit one day for mum to the old convent and her old house as a bit of a surprise.
Goodaye blokes.
You bastards in QLD must have sent the heat down my way finally.
This week's forecast here is 43, 44, 44, 45, and 43.

Went out Saturday to the local SARA range (South Australian Rifle Association) and had a crack with a few guys at 500 yards. Good fun actually but she was warm. I haven't got a dedicated target rifle so used the Tikka T3 .25/06.
Didn't do too bad and out of two rounds of 10 shots I had 9 bulls, 8 sixes, two fives, and a four.
My windage was fine (only about a constant 15kph) but elevation varied a bit and all shots that missed the bull were low. After my last chronograph session I realised that my velocity variation is too high so when shooting targets again I might have to hand weigh my loads.

One old bloke there with an Omark .308 and a peep sight shot 15 bulls out of 20. A young 16 year old lad with an F Class custon rifle in .308 shot two possibles the little sh*t. I have to up my game to compete so looks like I'll have to build something decent on my older Rem 700 action...

Funniest thing was that after owning a Bausch & Lomb Elite scope for about 16 years I finally bloody realised that it is 1/8" clicks at 100 yards instead of 1/4". This explains a lot as the manual says it is 1/4" and sighting it in has always done my head in :) Now it all makes sense.
Matt do your self a favour and buy an omark there cheap and shoot well I have and love it

They're a good old action for sure but no good if you want to run a long action based cartridge. I'll probably use what I have here though for now. My old man is trying to find an Omark as we speak. If I planned on going a full custom rifle I'd probably look at a Stolle action or similar. The biggest problem with the Omarks is that it costs $300-400 apparently to get them set up (properly) with scope mounts. The old bloke with the Omark who was using peep sights doesn't stand a chance nowadays at 1000 yards without a scope. My old man has pretty well found that the majority of Omarks for sale are hammered and the guys who have good examples are hanging onto them like a cat on a flyscreen. I'll probably go for something other than a .308 too.
How much are they? I remember when a 2nd hand omark could be picked up for next to nothing I guess ppl are starting to work out they shoot well

your just jealous Neil ..................... and they do run ............ How's Wayne 070 going swap the top end over yet to a 090 ................... 070's are gutless

jealous of what !!!!! you.......:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::dizzy:

if you read the post I posted some time back you should be able to work out what's what regarding Wayne's copy.

070's are gutless
Can't argue with that, but its easy to say these things.
Funniest thing was that after owning a Bausch & Lomb Elite scope for about 16 years I finally bloody realised that it is 1/8" clicks at 100 yards instead of 1/4". This explains a lot as the manual says it is 1/4" and sighting it in has always done my head in :) Now it all makes sense.

Nice scope Matty1, I've had one for about the same time so I'll have to check the clicks too.

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