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Nice scope Matty1, I've had one for about the same time so I'll have to check the clicks too.

Yeah mate they are pretty well as good as anything else on the market and are running Jap lenses. They are now called Bushnell Elite. Mine is a 4-16 x 50mm Elite 4000 which outside of the target Elites are the only one with 1/8" apparently. I found a bit more on the web about them today.
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My 999 has been digesting too much dust, the stock air filter cant cope, this setup should do the job

View attachment 327369

It's just hit 44C in my shed :givebeer:

That looks ok Wayne (air cleaner), you like that bloody eye stinging spotted gum don't you.
You would realise that all your spotted gum fire wood will create heaps of dust once them there borers start working.
We are not allowed to sell it in QLD unless its been treated (CCA) for that reason.
Have fun in that 44C day, better you than me.
That looks ok Wayne (air cleaner), you like that bloody eye stinging spotted gum don't you.
You would realise that all your spotted gum fire wood will create heaps of dust once them there borers start working.
We are not allowed to sell it in QLD unless its been treated (CCA) for that reason.
Have fun in that 44C day, better you than me.

Sure I like it, It's good burning hardwood, so far I haven't seen any evidence of any borers in it, most of it will be burnt this winter.
Yeah mate they are pretty well as good as anything else on the market and are running Jap lends. They are now called Bushnell Elite. Mine is a 4-16 x 50mm Elite 4000 which outside of the target Elites are the only one with 1/8" apparently. I found a bit more on the web about them today.

Na mate, ya just need a 300WM with a 4X Niko and aim for the widest bit ;);).

bloody awfull sad, why just why,,, and why dont you ever read tree falls kills a **** politician its always some innocent kid or some hard workin tax payer its never ever some one who deserves it

its a bit like that car smash in chadstone on sunday nite. bloke runs the red light T bones a car killing both ppl in it and hits a pedestrian killing him too.. but not himself. he is good enough to go to court today /tomorrow.:mad:
Oh what a day,,, hot, bloody hot, not a day for chainsaw use, so I did something easier, dug bloody holes looking for a Telstra line for my road crossover.

DSC00534 (640x480).jpg DSC00535 (640x480).jpg
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narh dont do that backhoe finds em much easrier :) anyhoo so did yer find it

I think i pushed this tool before but here it is again as digging that that clay shale is its forte

Yea a backhoe would be good, but the line is only 1 inch through, Dial before u dig plan said its running up the middle of the road,
I paid a bloke to find it (locations linesman) he found it for me in 5 minutes, but its depth ranged from 1.2 m up to 800 down to 1.0 etc. I want or need at least 600 off the top so I can layer at least 300mm gravel and bring back to road level again.
I'm not allowed to do the crossover and the contractor needed more proof of its exact location and depth so I finished up digging 3 holes finding it exactly where the guy marked said it will be. Council is giving me heaps over this simple crossover, also have to pay for stop and go boys while it gets completed also.
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its a bit like that car smash in chadstone on sunday nite. bloke runs the red light T bones a car killing both ppl in it and hits a pedestrian killing him too.. but not himself. he is good enough to go to court today /tomorrow.:mad:

I rang the cops on my way home from work today this Sheila was so ****** pissed it was beyond a joke
And you were able to notice.......

Sorry....... ;)

Could have been my wife driving, sober. I so need to be paralytic to be able to handle my wife's driving.

Was frightening was going in to on coming traffic then over to the left in the dirt when I passed her head was leaning on the b pillar tounge out and one eye closed. I had couple of beers my self but she was going to kill some poor Kent