the all aussie dribble thread!

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The one eyed Mackerel

The Chunder from Downunder

"All Bullsh*t passes through three stages. First, i make it up, second i bullsh*t myelf and others , and third, all will be accepted as I'm the mighty Mackerel."
"Thats why you should have gotten my autograph"

Bob Cornwell....

Chinese 070's oh yeah
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looks like we may exede our 'recorded' 45.9 again down the far south eastern seaboard of NSW if that chit from S.A. crosses over in the next few days , we got to 45.9 last january 18 recorded from moruya weather station ... tho the bastard gauge on our back veranda went up over 50 last january, had a gauge actually blow-up in the summer of 2003 when she climbed up over 58, that wasnt even in the full sun, it was in the full blockout shadecloth shade house, under a overhanging coral tree ....give it 50 years and this country will be living underground
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yeah, and with OZZY beer n' thongs day still to come, some scorchers around the corner. I watched a doco the other night about the aussie climate, they predict everthing north of the NSW border and up right across Australia will be un-livable within 100 years
yeah, and with OZZY beer n' thongs day still to come, some scorchers around the corner. I watched a doco the other night about the aussie climate, they predict everthing north of the NSW border and up right across Australia will be un-livable within 100 years

Mate the climate commission also said that by 2010 there will be 40 million "climate refugees" due to sea level rises. In 2012 not one single climate refugee could be identified. Think back to the ozone layer predictions in the late 1980's. We are all meant to be toasted 50x over by now :)
The more doom and gloom predictions they make the more government funding they get. The climate change industry is now a self perpetuating business and once mega money becomes involved it gets just as fraudulent as other big businesses. If you can fit the words "climate change" into your funding proposal you are guaranteed to get more money than you dreamed possible.

47°C forecast here today and I know some of the back areas bordering the desert would have cracked 50°C. We've been above 45°C every day this week and 46°C is forecast again tomorrow. Once it gets above 42°C it all feels the same. I was lucky enough to be working outside in it all week :(
41 and today i had to drop a big lag pat :mad:

for them who dunna know thats a cow itch or pyaimd tree they have a dust flys all over and irritates like ceiling insulation flippty flip
job done drove to local pool and washed down:cool:

I know those bloody trees. They are absolute mongrels and yeah, when those pods open and you get it on you you'll itch for days. Exactly like fibreglass fibres. At school some of the kids used to grab the pods and rub them down other kid's arms for fun - except it wasn't fun.
Mate the climate commission also said that by 2010 there will be 40 million "climate refugees" due to sea level rises. In 2012 not one single climate refugee could be identified. Think back to the ozone layer predictions in the late 1980's. We are all meant to be toasted 50x over by now :)
The more doom and gloom predictions they make the more government funding they get. The climate change industry is now a self perpetuating business and once mega money becomes involved it gets just as fraudulent as other big businesses. If you can fit the words "climate change" into your funding proposal you are guaranteed to get more money than you dreamed possible.

47°C forecast here today and I know some of the back areas bordering the desert would have cracked 50°C. We've been above 45°C every day this week and 46°C is forecast again tomorrow. Once it gets above 42°C it all feels the same. I was lucky enough to be working outside in it all week :(

Ill be dead anyway so i don't care what happens after im toast, If i had it my way id be living in Alaska hunting bear ..or local beaver without the missus knowing :D lol. but theres always a lot of BS within the system, especially now with dumb f-uck Abbott . but being a part of rural fire service for near two decades and pulling shifts on the fireground at kings lake and canberra fires, plus the old mans going on 50 years in the brigade ,things are a changing in the weather patterns, especially in our farming district, anyway im not one to burry my head in the sand, i prefer snatch .....well have fun working in that SA heat matt , ill be floating around in our pool drinking bourbon n ice :p
Ill be dead anyway so i don't care what happens after im toast, If i had it my way id be living in Alaska hunting bear ..or local beaver without the missus knowing :D lol. but theres always a lot of BS within the system, especially now with dumb f-uck Abbott . but being a part of rural fire service for near two decades and pulling shifts on the fireground at kings lake and canberra fires, plus the old mans going on 50 years in the brigade ,things are a changing in the weather patterns, especially in our farming district, anyway im not one to burry my head in the sand, i prefer snatch .....well have fun working in that SA heat matt , ill be floating around in our pool drinking bourbon n ice :p

No need to rub in the bourbon and ice :(
Hey things are changing with the climate no doubt. My biggest concern now is differentiating between what is fact and what isn't. You have the climate change brigade on their high horse who have been making false predictions for years and getting fat wallets from it, then you have the guys dead against any theory of climate change, man made or not, despite some of the evidence. There are certain areas where the local climate is going to change as a matter of course and it has for millions of years. Areas that were dry are now wet and vice versa. We had floggers in Adelaide recently blaming bushfires on climate change, despite all of them being lit by arsonists. These are the same people dead against controlled burns to lower potential fuel loads. We are completely covered by smoke now from a bushfire burning in mallee north of us. This was started by a dry lightning storm that went through Tuesday night. Apparently it started 206 fires in South Australia.
Because climate change is a daily thing in the media every hot day now is blamed on climate change when previously people would just say "Gee today's a scorcher" and get on with life :)
I still prefer cold no matter how its spun, **** the heat ....give me beaver in the snow

You do get used to the heat when you are out in it all the time but the biggest problem is when you go in your shed and every single fluoro paint marker can has blown the bottom out on your cupboard and a $140 tin of Bostik Rubber Adhesive has blown the bottom out and glued your cupboard doors shut :( I actually had one can of fluoro paint marker out in direct sun and it was fine farkit. It was just over 55°C in my shed this afternoon so that probably explains it. Every single plastic fuel container had blown up like a soccer ball and fallen over as well.
I also went to grab my steel soil corer off the back of the work ute at midday to do some soil tests and the bastard basically welded itself to the palm of my hand...

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