the all aussie dribble thread!

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:oops:I been for a ride in one of those, had a rather large night out at the Moonee Valley trots and had a few too many beersies. Spent an uncomfortable night thats for sure. Blardy Crown Lager has a lots to answer for. It wasn't even like I was being a nuisannce, just Noisy and Nosy lol.
no uncomfortable nights now with nice new beds and ac these young blokes don't know how easy they got it lol not like the last time i was in the lock up

all ya got was a cell out the back 5* and an old grey blanket and a floor board or 3 haha,,, arrr the good old days
Im hearing you mate.Even back in the Day Canberra was hopeless for amo etc...went there for the day years ago loaded with coin to stock up and came back with zip.I could personally use a lot of amo in that part of the world...if you get my drift :mad:

Two shops here and there both rubbish. So many rumours of abelas or horesly park opening a shop here but I can't see it happening. I think its a missed Opportunity lots of shooters around here with all the small rural community's and urban cow boys on there hobby farms
Got a chance to rummidge through all my shooting stuff today,sorry matt no 44 stuff,must have got rid of it all after i sold the 44 to the gov buy back
A lot of lazy bastards here

today thats me I done FA all day i not touched a tool saw or gun & done nuthin that makes $ just bummed about all morning took granny the MIL on drive sippin coffee n sucking back cake oh did an hour with boy behind the wheel but guilty as charge truly wasted a day.
six months later I finally got that TAE cert iv upgrade wot a grind of bureaucratic bother i almost snatched it a few times as they ask such crap and must filled in my name rank and serials dozen times nuthin learn't just academic hurdles put in front to jump over and their about to change all the rules and training for working trees near power lines i been doin it since 85 and it still the same AC current if i'm not mistaken. A national ticket we are told a good thing oh great now i can commute to NSW QLD each day.

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