Aw man, used to hate it when one boss I used to work for would spring one these things on me. He bid out this one B. Poplar 66" x 100' between house, garage, concrete drive and powerlines. And oh yeah, stone cold dead. No bucket, crane not even a loader, T/D and complete haul away. We were a small outfit with '60s FMC Wayne chipper and '59 F3 dump truck(this was in the late '80s), all climbs. I coulda killed him for under-bidding three other outfits for that one.:taped: I got 'er down ok w/o bustin' anything, including me but man my shorts needed changin' a coupla times. Nothing more disconserting than when your gaffs are locked into a piece bark 6' long and half the stem dia sheds off trying to carry you off with it. It rained deadwood across the block with each leader I roped off. I HATE big dead poplars, if someone asks for a bid on one these days the price is double. It still baffles me that anyone lets these monsters get so big in a residencial setting.

:taped: :bang: :bang: