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Pretty beasty looking. What's the middle wheel for?
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Pretty beasty looking. What's the middle wheel for?
That is a great looking old Volvo.
Some of the fall colors in the woods.
The log landing area out behind the barn
These guys are distributors. Call them and they can probably steer you to a local dealer.http://www.northeastimplement.com/index.htmI've read through this pretty much and really feel tractor winches are the cats meow.
Now where do I get one?
Farmi jl351p?
Here are some pics of my toy tractor (compared to some of the tractors on this thread!). It sure helps me out. It has 4wheel drive so I can get by pretty well with turf tires.
These guys are distributors. Call them and they can probably steer you to a local dealer.http://www.northeastimplement.com/index.htm
Translation: Hello, I do not know if it's the right argument, I wanted to show you one of my tractors (one of the avatar) I do not think we are loaded by you in this way, already in the regions close to me, you 've ever seenCiao, non so se è l'argomento giusto, ho voluto mostrarvi uno dei miei trattori (uno degli avatar) non credo ci siano caricate da parte vostra in questo modo, già nelle regioni vicino a me, si ' ve mai visto: greenchainsaw:
Hello, I do not know if it's the right topic, I wanted to show you one of my tractors (one of the avatar) I do not think we are loaded in your part like that, already in the regions close to me, they've never seen
Those front tires look like R-4's to me. I have R-1's all the way around on my Kubota which are great, traction-wise. The front tires really take a beating when the pallet forks are full of wood. I need front tires with the thread of a R-1 with the plies of a R-4.