Yup, and jump farther, run uphill faster, work on steeper sidehills, and look cool doing it. Great boots. I thought about getting a pair but at this stage of the game they'd probably outlast me.
They do feel like that when you switch from the heavier boots. They feel like you CAN hop and skip and jump throughout the day. But then you go to work and reality kicks in...and sucks. :msp_sad:
I realize this is a necropost, but I got something cool a couple of days ago. These aren't Kuliens, exactly... they're my beloved old Buffalos rebuilt on Kuliens lasts. They are as close to a perfect boot as I've ever had. I, uh, have friends. Specifically, the apprentice Cody alluded to 6 years ago. He's my old timber cruising partner from way back when. As for Kuliens, they're still sort of in business but nothing like regular. I'm not at all sure what happens next.