Sorry about the flying debris there Thomas..
I don't even know why he even owns a splitter! Matt just looks at a round and it pops apart! Uncle!Matt is the only one who could get it to go in the Pecan. If you don't know Matt, think Paul Bunyan, Lawrence Taylor, or Mark McGuire. He swings so hard the wood doesn't have a choice. He could probably split wood with a butter knife, if you know what I mean. But, yes, he did get it (the pecan) to split or at least separate.
Sounds like except for Paul Bunyun, you guys all had the same luck I had. My pal Ritchie ain't big at all, he just swung that thing like a animal, fast and furiously.
I agree sharper is better but splitting is not slicing and dicing. And nothing beats hitting the right spot.That's it with light weight axes, to get them to split wood, lever action or not, sharp, fast and *on target* Aim is one of those three criteria. Fail it on any one of those three, you ain't splitting much.
Looking at the design, no way in heck is that thing designed to bust long and wide diameter rounds, it is a specialty tool. I wouldn't even try to do that. Ain't taking a .22 big game hunting in africa. Ain't taking a t-rex 9000 turbo magnum whatever squirrel hunting. Ain't using a ferrari to go scrounge wood, ain't driving a dump truck for a suit and tie and desk job downtown someplace.
Speaking of which, what is the status of the sharpness now after numerous guys have tried it? I ain't never ever buying "dull is good enough". It just ain't so. Sharper works better no matter what slicing and dicing tool you are using, scalpel to power splitter wedge.
@stihly dan...You are next in line after Zogger. But you mentioned in the first post you'd need some time to get wood ready. Would mid-November arrival at your place work or do you want to pass and we'll keep you on deck after the next person?
For my current uses no. Back when I had my old house that had a small potbelly, newer Dovre, and wood cook stove that all took short splits I would strongly consider it.Well would anyone pony up the 200 plus bucks to buy one. It does look a lot cheaper than the older one.