I love our Socialist Power Company! They are good. The power went out earlier, and is already back on. Only a 3 hour outage, so far. I shoveled out trails to the woodshed, and shop, and an area for the Grapple Cat to do what cats must do. I was melting snow for a shower tonight, and went out to scoop up more and here come my neighbors up the road, plowing with two little bobcats. They said they were bored, and worried that I might need to get out. I was just getting ready to work a bit more with the Finlander Yooper Snow Scoop.
There was no looting during the outage, just an act of kindness.
It is now raining on top of the snow. And I cracked my plastic snow shovel, not my back. Gots a Swedish Tempurpedic mattress. It is the best for my creaky old back.
The snow is so deep that The Used Dog has to hop through it like a rat dog!
I'm hunkering. I am hearing those scary CRAACK noises once in a while, as a limb falls off a tree.