The Whining Thread

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Don't know the rest of the month holds, but as of Friday we were 6" above normal rainfall for the month in the Seattle area. It really has seemed more like January than March.
I'm only just now getting back to marking one of my sales. Turns out, after I busted my arm last year, my seasonal crew basically quit marking. They left on the first of October. Each day I'm out I mark 3 to 5 times by myself what my crew of three did in the ENTIRE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. I wanna kick each of them in the shins, twice, and make them do the whole month over without pay.
Yeah, I was hoping I was done with these for the year.

had a set of toughs for my klx650r . powder rides are a hoot.
little dusting this morn. another two days of crap. sometimes i forget that we get beet up sometimes in the spring. no drought excuses this year.
Hey Sam, where are you working? Guess we got lucky, only 4" or so up here, pretty much gone in the valley already.

Ambrose Drainage, sapphire side of the bitterroot valley outside of Stevensville. A real snow hole where you'd least expect it!
You guy's up north aren't the only ones getting it. We haven't got enough to brag about yet (3 or 4 inches), but it's enough to be a pain in the butt. Supposed to keep snowing through tomorrow here, we'll see what it turns out to be.

I'm only just now getting back to marking one of my sales. Turns out, after I busted my arm last year, my seasonal crew basically quit marking. They left on the first of October. Each day I'm out I mark 3 to 5 times by myself what my crew of three did in the ENTIRE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. I wanna kick each of them in the shins, twice, and make them do the whole month over without pay.

You talking marking cut boundaries you are going to cut. Or marking the new sales all together.
I'm only just now getting back to marking one of my sales. Turns out, after I busted my arm last year, my seasonal crew basically quit marking. They left on the first of October. Each day I'm out I mark 3 to 5 times by myself what my crew of three did in the ENTIRE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. I wanna kick each of them in the shins, twice, and make them do the whole month over without pay.

There's a retired forester living in Randle who has plenty of marking experience. Maybe she'd like a part time job. :laugh:
You talking marking cut boundaries you are going to cut. Or marking the new sales all together.

Talkin' about individual trees -- on this sale, all marked trees are to be cut.

There's a retired forester living in Randle who has plenty of marking experience. Maybe she'd like a part time job. :laugh:

Dunno if she'd know what to do with our "Non-Secret" paint. The blue looks the same, but it doesn't glow in the dark!
I'd be slow. And I would want the Used Dog to pack paint. Paint is heavy. And gas money. And....

Funny, we carpool to the ski hill from the FS office where I used to work. They have a big parking lot that isn't used much. My former boss came by and asked if he could hire me back to----mark trees. It seems to be the job nobody wants to do.

Skiing has been very good.
My former boss came by and asked if he could hire me back to----mark trees. It seems to be the job nobody wants to do.

Arggh. That's so true. I actually like marking -- I like to come back later and see how closely the residual stand resembles the picture in my head -- but it takes so damned much time! There's so much ELSE to do that it's hard to get motivated to really dedicate the attention marking deserves. Still, I do get a big ol' swell of pride when a finished sale looks just how I want it to. I guess what I really want is more hours in the day and more days in the year. I like doing this stuff or I wouldn't be doing it.
I got a whine, last night the neighbor's ####### cat got into the barn (tracks in the fresh snow plain as day) and scared the #### out of the rabbits (they were still freaked out when I went it this morning) and one of my kits (and sure as hell it was my wife's favorite one and one I was going to keep for breeding stock) got drug out of the nest and froze to death :msp_mad:

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