This is an Outrage!

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Hi Guys , Robyn the house wench here
I've been reading some of your posts, looks like your all getting
of topic, I thought this was a CHAINSAW SITE!
Johns been telling me about a guy names Jay? Is he
out there? What does he have to offer. It was nice
to meet Eric. I like it when I can put a name with a face.
As for his eating habits, I don't think I could afford him.
It takes me a month to eat a pound a bacon and a dozen
eggs!! I was reading about Grampa who has had 4 wives,
you all think thats great, Well I'm on my 3rd husband! Was
does that tell ya?
Johns offered to power tune my Mucaluc on a few occaisions
but I'm waiting for a better offer. Maybe KD Hotsaw can get
me power tuned!
Dennis where are you, you are still in the running but Johns
got the most saws, and he who has the most toys win!!
Don't let John kid you about his place, I clean it the best I
can, between avalanches!!
Walt your quiet lately, I miss you. Sounds like your the one
with all the smarts. I hear you are modifying a chain for John,
thats got my attention, here all along I thought John was the
best at everything to do with Chainsaws, Well just goes to
show you what years of brainwashing will do to a casual user.!!
Tell me more about my 110 Mucaluc, my husband wants to use
it for carving , I gave it to John to tune and sharpen, maybe
I should have sent it to you!
P. S. They're **** red today!!! You can get them from your
local Victoria Secret store. !!

By for now Love ya. Robyn.
Robyn, good to hear from you. This is Jay, by the way, at least I play him here on the forum.

To address your questions, point by point:

I am out here. Or down here, from the perspective of an Ontarion. Here is North Carolina, which was warm, but is now cold again. All of this is relative, of course, depending upon what one is used to. I like heat. Warmth is good.

What do I have to offer? Well, now, that is a good question. Suffice it to say all I have to offer is my sparkling wit and dazzling repartee'. And my profound modesty. And gratitude for every day that I wake up and know that if I want to, I can saw wood. Hoorah for trees and saws.

I was joshing about the food thing - I usually don't eat more than a slice or two of bacon a week. A couple of eggs here and there, lots of rice, some potatoes, cornbread, you know, the usual. Oh yeah, waffles - jes loves my waffles... And a cup of tea, you know, pip pip, carry on...

As for spouses, number thereof, my brother was on his fourth wife when he died. Oops, that doesn't sound right. He was just a marryin' (and divorcin') kind of guy. I have only been married once, and g*d willing, that will be that. As the old divorce humor goes - I miss my ex-wife, but my aim's gettin' better! Not that I am bitter, mind you, but the next time I think about gettin' married I'm gonna find some woman I can't stand, buy her a house, and save myself all the misery in between. Oh wait, I am bitter. That's right... ;^)

Truly, I am grateful to be able to work with trees and wood and power tools, and breathe fresh air, and breathe lots of dust and 2 stroke exhaust and drag home more interesting bits of trees and saw 'em up and find out what's in the middle. I am never bored with that - it is always a joy to discover the history of a tree written in wood. Good stuff...

Now, back to our regularly scheduled thread...
Robyn, good to see you here again...and I am still out here in Gods Country....Supernatural Beautiful British Columbia...and still collecting saws everyday.....

I regret to say, I am going to withdraw myself in the race for your love...I met a girl with no panties..oops..thats her name...and now a taken man...:)

And I dont eat near as much as these

this was taken out my front door about 5 minutes ago
well congrats!!! however, i can only imagine the beer cans over there since hes constantly drinking beer and talking about chainsaws....:rolleyes: :angel: albeit, it is possible to learn to somehow live with this, as my wife just said she finds them on top of vehicles, all over the garage, bathrooms, patio, attic, next to the computer etc....:D
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Hi NP, I will be right over, on second thought, come on over to Ontario, I'll treat you like the Angel you are. Plus, I got better saws than that creep Dennis has.
you in the doghouse too john? lucky you got to take a couple of saws with ya!:D

PS. panties - look for the rest of them - he probably hid them somewhere so he would not look like such a big drinker:p i tried to take a pic of my recycling drum but its only half full so i didnt bother - (35gallon and recycling day is monday - am i crazy or just drink alot:confused: )
You nt believe it, but the creeps back in town, pokin back all my grocies and drinking all my beverages and sleepin with all my saws. Not to mention, harassing the neighbours and stealing dog food off their doorsteps. I caught him trying to fell timber like a fooking beaver. I guess he thinks its Valentines day or something. Come and get this weirdo before I leave for B.C.
John, if you file like you take will have Uncle Arts Martinized chain destroyed by lunchtime....If I was Eric, I wouldnt be very happy with that poor pic of him...he is trying to find a wife you know and you arent doing him justice.....shheesh gyro....

-I want to die peaceful and in my sleep like my grandfather..not terrified and screaming like his passengers.
hi john! i noticed you have a new girlfriend! congrats! do you guys always sleep in different beds? i noticed your bed is very close to his though - lol:p

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