Thank you for restoring the thread, Phlbert! Your effort is very much appreciated.
I would like to contribute more to this discussion, without coming off like a sales pitch, even though, at the core, I am hoping the readership will buy one (or two) of the clamps and enjoy the benefits of their use.
I personally made the effort to bring the bar clamp to market for the chainsaw using community, and as the developer I will stand before you, in a social manner, to share the intention, the 'whys and hows', and answer any questions directly. It has been a long road getting here, but I can spare you the non-essential details and just give you the good stuff!
Questions are wholeheartedly invited.
In 'reinventing' a device that has been around a long, long time (which was the pointy-base stump vise)
the goal was to produce something that would give the user
more than what was currently being given.
Without improvements, new advantages, or usable features the mousetrap is no better.
The beginning (thoughts) started with offering a dual clamp. The above image was a 'first drawing' by the engineer, based on my pencil sketches.
Then the printed-out image was shown around to other chainsaw users, and e-mailed around for feedback.
Also during this time, the production firm is calculating a price for 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 units.
If I had my own shop, and didn't have a day job, I could produce them on-demand. But with a production facility and the scheduling logistics and materials purchasing, etc,. you have to make solid commitments, so the input and feedback from the arborist and logging and forestry communities has helped guide the design all along the way.
BTW, the dual design above was scrapped almost immediately.