westcoast dweller
i really had a good morning. talk about being at the right place at the right time. i know this guy quite well who saw me while i was walking my 2 dirty mutts. he asked "hay can you give me a ride to one of the local resorts". he had to deliver a hand carved canoe he made for them as a display piece. i told him ya for sure i'll do that for you. so i go to his place with my truck to pick up the canoe. we loaded it then headed for the resort. when we got to the resort i opened the tail gate and there was a 3120 sitting there. i was like what the heck how did you get that in there without me seeing. "he said he threw it in when i was jumping in the truck". right away i thought somethings going on here. he sayed i'm getting $12,000 for this canoe so you can have that saw cause i'm just gonna go buy a new one. the thing even runs good. it is really dirty compared to my other 3120's but that will change. it is a 2000 model but the guy said it was NOS when he bought it in 2006 and has seen very little use. the local dealer here sells very little saws especially the big ones so they end up just being NOS. right now the dealer has a 07 3120 for sale cheap because it didn't sell all those years ago. has the 01 flywheel with black coil on it so yeehaww. i'm gonna throw a 72 incher on there and use it for the big stuff i cut. i've always lived on the modo saying help people out and it will be returned to you one way or another. i've helped alot of people out without expecting something in return and had many people offer me money or whatever but never ever would have thought a running 3120 would be given to me. i am pretty stoked right now. a good CAD fix is the best high ever