unexpected CAD fix!!!

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westcoast dweller
Dec 11, 2012
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i really had a good morning. talk about being at the right place at the right time. i know this guy quite well who saw me while i was walking my 2 dirty mutts. he asked "hay can you give me a ride to one of the local resorts". he had to deliver a hand carved canoe he made for them as a display piece. i told him ya for sure i'll do that for you. so i go to his place with my truck to pick up the canoe. we loaded it then headed for the resort. when we got to the resort i opened the tail gate and there was a 3120 sitting there. i was like what the heck how did you get that in there without me seeing. "he said he threw it in when i was jumping in the truck". right away i thought somethings going on here. he sayed i'm getting $12,000 for this canoe so you can have that saw cause i'm just gonna go buy a new one. the thing even runs good. it is really dirty compared to my other 3120's but that will change. it is a 2000 model but the guy said it was NOS when he bought it in 2006 and has seen very little use. the local dealer here sells very little saws especially the big ones so they end up just being NOS. right now the dealer has a 07 3120 for sale cheap because it didn't sell all those years ago. has the 01 flywheel with black coil on it so yeehaww. i'm gonna throw a 72 incher on there and use it for the big stuff i cut. i've always lived on the modo saying help people out and it will be returned to you one way or another. i've helped alot of people out without expecting something in return and had many people offer me money or whatever but never ever would have thought a running 3120 would be given to me. i am pretty stoked right now. a good CAD fix is the best high ever :rock:

I might have to make a couple of these! :msp_biggrin: How big was it?

He knew how to thank you for the use of your truck!

it was just a little display piece conoe. fit in the truck from corner to corner with just the tail piece sticking out above the gate. i was surprised that even the tail gate could closed. my truck has an 8' bed so lets say from corner to corner it was probably around 10' give or take.
Wow, great story. My dad passed last week and this reminds me of something he once told me. When I was young
I did a favor and got burned by it. I guess I whined to him about it. He told me,son don't ever let a bad person change
the way you treat people. The kind of person you have been just paid off buddy . Rep to you my friend :clap::clap:
that canoe is now sitting on a stand in the lobby of the Wickininish Inn. i shoulda took a picture of it as well. the canoe is a traditional dug out so it is just carved from a log. it's alot of work but what the hell for $12,000 i would do that even if i hated doing it. he told me it took him 2 weeks to make but thats working day and night. he also carved a paddle to go with it.
awesome! good deeds allways get repayed,sometimes it takes awhile sometimes its immediate. i would suggest you now pay it forward,why yes ill take that 3120!lol.
FANTASTIC! :msp_w00t: I have a mid '09s vintage 3120 that was lightly used, and I treasure it. For sure they are heavy, but have a bark of their own an idle, and smoooooth to run!
This is the ultimate SUCKAGE. 3120 for delivering a boat.

Nice saw by the way.

If you tell us you're walkin yer dogs and find a Cannon 72 inch bar, I'm callin BS.

72" bar

72" Woodland Pro bar at Bailey's $449 :msp_scared:

I have a 42" that I haven't mounted yet and can't imagine anything longer without a helper handle.:dizzy:

ya, pic of that canoe would be spiffy!

I only ever just picked up a 3120 before, with a 60 inch bar on it, man, that is a THREE bowl of wheaties breakfast there.
Maximum suckage!!!! Are you kidding me!?!?! That has to be close to the suckage of the year! You are putting the bar pretty high for us all, it is a good thing we have 11
months left of the year to try and catch up to you! Good Samaritan rep coming your way!