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That must have had an ominous feel to it. Poor guy.

No it had a " this guy is a pita" feel to it as it was one of my regulars. This guy always thinks he is going to save a buck , beat the system and make out ahead, this only works with diehard m and f'ers like us. I tend to deal with his wife because she knows what I know and she won't argue.
Had one of my ground guys drop a little oak trunk for the first time today (been trying to let this one do more lately. Have him running the tractor now too). Trying to teach him the right way to make a notch and backcut, etc. I realized that those of us that have been doing this forever take it for granted, what we do. Just watching him try and line up the backcut, I realized this. I had to laugh too, first trunk I ever really let him drop, and he hits a nail right in the middle of the notch. I was like "yeah, I gotta be honest, man, that might not be a real good sign". Great kid though, there should be more like him. Night and day from some of the trash I've seen blow through here, that's for sure.
I still remember the one that I caught slamming beers in the shop bathroom at 7:45 in the morning. I should've just shot that slimy little bastard and done the world a favor!! Lol. I hear that one is a complete mess now. Go figure. I actually did try with him too (until that point). I think some people are just losers, simple as that. I tried to tell him "you get out of life what you put into it". I think he's reaping the rewards of his efforts as we speak.
I still remember the one that I caught slamming beers in the shop bathroom at 7:45 in the morning. I should've just shot that slimy little bastard and done the world a favor!! Lol. I hear that one is a complete mess now. Go figure. I actually did try with him too (until that point). I think some people are just losers, simple as that. I tried to tell him "you get out of life what you put into it". I think he's reaping the rewards of his efforts as we speak.

I think some are not as fortunate to have had positive role models and may have had a crappy hand dealt. Granted is not an excuse but you really never know, I knew a guy everyone thought was a real **** that cleaned up his act and righted as many of his past wrongs as humanly possible. Change is possible and judgement is a two edged sword.
I think some are not as fortunate to have had positive role models and may have had a crappy hand dealt. Granted is not an excuse but you really never know, I knew a guy everyone thought was a real **** that cleaned up his act and righted as many of his past wrongs as humanly possible. Change is possible and judgement is a two edged sword.

That was a pretty bad ass post, rope. I hear you.. was just talking #### to keep the thread alive.. well, maybe venting a bit as well. Its all good, yo.. ;)
I had a awesome day running the cat with a mower on it , got everything cut in half the time I thought it would take the ground was pretty dry , then I went to unload the mini outta the trailer and didn't realize that when I went to throw my Arizona iced tea bottle In the trash can last Nite i broke it or missed , ran over a broken bottle and blew 2 brand new tires out , brand new like I bought em Friday LOL , so there goes 90 bucks right out the window .:hmm3grin2orange: easy come easy go I guess . Cool thing was we were working at a local airport where they skydive , so all day we watched the people landing about 100 ft from us , some were real smooth and some well not so much , then about 230pm a old Huey helicopter landed so close it kicked dust in our eyes , awesome man we really enjoyed the sideshow from work today .
I had a awesome day running the cat with a mower on it , got everything cut in half the time I thought it would take the ground was pretty dry , then I went to unload the mini outta the trailer and didn't realize that when I went to throw my Arizona iced tea bottle In the trash can last Nite i broke it or missed , ran over a broken bottle and blew 2 brand new tires out , brand new like I bought em Friday LOL , so there goes 90 bucks right out the window .:hmm3grin2orange: easy come easy go I guess . Cool thing was we were working at a local airport where they skydive , so all day we watched the people landing about 100 ft from us , some were real smooth and some well not so much , then about 230pm a old Huey helicopter landed so close it kicked dust in our eyes , awesome man we really enjoyed the sideshow from work today .

You need a break bubba. Why don't you hang out at that nudist colony you were talking about for a few days? Who knows, maybe you will get lucky and some guy will ask you out.
Doing a crane removal of a stone dead Ash tree in a backyard over utility lines/2 garages and part of the house for another company tomorrow, using a different crane co. that I haven't worked with before but have heard the OP is one of the best around. Will take pics, maybe a quick video. Should be fun, hoping to take it in 4 pics total. I am only subbed to get it on the ground. No cleanup.
You need a break bubba. Why don't you hang out at that nudist colony you were talking about for a few days? Who knows, maybe you will get lucky and some guy will ask you out.

Nah I am good thanks for thinking of me , my break will come in January , 2 weeks regardless of what I have to do I will be sitting on my ass watching Maury povich , or Jerry springer .... I am gonna hump it out for another month at least 6 days a week if need be . First time that I've felt this good about being so tired .
did a huge frikin american elm today 53" dbh 2 loads of logs in the 60yd semi not the biggest diameter i've done but had the biggest canopy of any tree I've done and we couldn't reach with the crane for **** so we had to getto pick it, only almost flipped the crane twice today well it wasn't that bad but there were a couple sketchy picks
O and the hollow piece that showed no signs of being hollow and just exploded when it got cut 1/3 of the way through that was a nice surprise
I have been using my loader almost everyday. We did an ash today in a back yard, 5 picks over the house set them down beside the loader. We were done in less than 2 hours.

did a huge frikin american elm today 53" dbh 2 loads of logs in the 60yd semi not the biggest diameter i've done but had the biggest canopy of any tree I've done and we couldn't reach with the crane for **** so we had to getto pick it, only almost flipped the crane twice today well it wasn't that bad but there were a couple sketchy picks
O and the hollow piece that showed no signs of being hollow and just exploded when it got cut 1/3 of the way through that was a nice surprise

what does getto pick mean? thanks.
what does getto pick mean? thanks.

Picks just a bit out of range. I do lots of ghetto picks, prolly cause I rent cranes and will only choke a pick once at the balance pont. Most of my picks rock and roll a bit and don't look super pretty. I respect the guys with the multiple spider legs that hover, but the majority of times looks excessive. I get cranes for a reason,to speed things up!
did a huge frikin american elm today 53" dbh 2 loads of logs in the 60yd semi not the biggest diameter i've done but had the biggest canopy of any tree I've done and we couldn't reach with the crane for **** so we had to getto pick it, only almost flipped the crane twice today well it wasn't that bad but there were a couple sketchy picks
O and the hollow piece that showed no signs of being hollow and just exploded when it got cut 1/3 of the way through that was a nice surprise

You remind me of my buddy, he is always bangin the hottest chic, skiing the best lines and taking down the most massive tree.Thing is, whenever I see him he's with a fat chic, on the bunny slope after a day of pruning fruit trees. I ran a busy crew for six years still had time to post a pic once in awhile.
Seem to have lost my little stills camera. Wasn't the best in the world but not cheap either. Now I wish I'd given the fcker away....rather that than not know where it went.

Tomorrow and the next day we have some grand-firs to take out. Big trees for residential, probably 140 at least, very tight, but the worst part is the exposure of the location. Kinda elevated on the sea front....and its a stormy week so far and set to continue. I don't think I'll be in danger, but it'll be uncomfortable put it that way. Gonna try and get some video cause it might be a good one to watch.
Seem to have lost my little stills camera. Wasn't the best in the world but not cheap either. Now I wish I'd given the fcker away....rather that than not know where it went.

Tomorrow and the next day we have some grand-firs to take out. Big trees for residential, probably 140 at least, very tight, but the worst part is the exposure of the location. Kinda elevated on the sea front....and its a stormy week so far and set to continue. I don't think I'll be in danger, but it'll be uncomfortable put it that way. Gonna try and get some video cause it might be a good one to watch.

You shoulda moved to the east coast, those cupcakes dont work if it sprinkles. On thursday you would be drinking beer,eating turkey and watching football not in some sappy rain soaked piss fir 100' up. We had 3 inches of rain yesterday, I wont mind taking the next few days off.
You remind me of my buddy, he is always bangin the hottest chic, skiing the best lines and taking down the most massive tree.Thing is, whenever I see him he's with a fat chic, on the bunny slope after a day of pruning fruit trees. I ran a busy crew for six years still had time to post a pic once in awhile.

I just flushed a reminder of you. I gotta tell ya bud, your posts always portray you as; the most assinine individual that ever came from the east coast. I think you putting down your home just shows your immaturity, as we say here, your still pizzin green. You have said you moved from the east and then try to run it down, could it be that your inability to co-habituate has caused your deficiencies? Anyway Holden, I hope someday that wisdom finds you. Btw man if its lack of female companionship a fat girl is better than none, so get you one fast.
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I just flushed a reminder of you. I gotta tell ya bud, your posts always portray you as; the most assinine individual that ever came from the east coast. I think you putting down your home just shows your immaturity, as we say here, your still pizzin green. You have said you moved from the east and then try to run it down, could it be that your inability to co-habituate has caused your deficiencies? Anyway Holden, I hope someday that wisdom finds you. Btw man if its lack of female companionship a fat girl is better than none, so get you one fast.

He reminds me of this J O I knew when I was younger , kept running his mouth and trying to be funny , he left me alone and got the hint one nite when I was drunk and stoned and I tried to back over him with my mothers 4 door LTD . He never really came around me after that!
He reminds me of this J O I knew when I was younger , kept running his mouth and trying to be funny , he left me alone and got the hint one nite when I was drunk and stoned and I tried to back over him with my mothers 4 door LTD . He never really came around me after that!

I wouldn't mind backing over you with my rental Camry. Just saying. :)

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