Hi all, thought I would check in. Dana is doing better, still dealing with the aftermath of the surgery. They jacked her up with some complications, so it has been slow and painful recovery, but she is cancer free, so we wont complain to much. Still busy as hell, but only working when I have too. Picking and choosing right now, but that will change this winter. This whole deal has changed my outlook on life. To much work, not enough fun. So I have been taking more time off and screwing around. Bit of shootin and fishing. I really suck at fishing. It has been a crazy ass year. My FIL rear ended me in my F-250. Smashed the front end into my chipper, the same day Jared had his mess. Just got it back and they put a weird grill on it and painted it differently, going back on Friday. Still same ol chit around here. Cept the hacker population has exploded, (EAB), still got dudes scarin ol ladys into treating any tree for EAB, destroying property and phukin up prunes. Still get all kinds of phone calls and people stopping me at stores to tell me their horror story's about hiring them, Idgaf. Wish they would quit, not sure what they want me to do! Still have not had the bucket fixed. Have not had the time to let it sit in a shop. So it is still just a chipper truck, climbing everything, but taking my time. Tore up my shoulder pretty good. So that has been a dream. All small chit in comparison to Dana's health, so I just blow it off and keep moving.
Had a dude offer to buy me out. I told him a number, he said it was fair, we will see, there are always those who talk big but dont have the wallet to back up their mouth. Have gone down that rode before.
Hope all is well with you are yours, stay safe.
What happened with TreeVet?