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mannnnn,....it's jist fkn pourin here again

I was a magician to pull out a real good week last week but don't know if it can happen 2 wks in a row :bang:

Dude, I am watching it come down here as well. Last week really sucked and this week looks little better. But once things dry out...its on! I have two decent jobs we can do this week. trees are next to driveway. I may hold off on the stumps but atleast we will have done SOMTHING, I know my guys are gonna need a few bucks, gotta think bout them to ya know?
Nothing but rain here too. I have a few jobs lined up but nothing worth getting wet over. Took apart a stone dead hemlock this morning. Set the truck up, limbed up the one side of it, climbed out of the bucket to install a block in a neighboring hemlock with grcs at the base, swung over to another hemlock, put a block for the butt line in that and tied in. Had Eric lower the boom and move the truck out of the danger zone and I blew 30 foot of top out while Eric winched it with the grcs. Luckily all the branches held on. Set the truck back up to finish limbing and chunk it down. If I had a good winch on the truck or the ground wasn't so damn soft I coulda put it at a good spot for the whole tree but after last week's fiasco I wasn't taking any risks. lol
Supposed to be 23 yards... forgot to mention the tool boxes.

I'm not so sure what all the excitement is over these switch and go type hooklift trucks is about... I mean, what other body are you gonna put on it? a spray rig? seems to me then you would be without a chip truck while out spraying. Just thinking here is all..

Tool boxes? Nice. We'll have to see some pics of this monster chip truck.

For me it all started when I started researching after a versatile truck body system. That’s when I found Switch n Go. The more I looked into it and priced it, I started thinking: why not just build your own system, and retro an asplug chipper box, flatbed, and what not to go with it.

I'm kinda over the "switch n go" phase for now since I'm no longer considering ROW work, but it would be nice to drop what I'm not using and grab something else real quick and easy. It might also be handy for loading equipment and what not at the ground level. A spray rig does come to mind, but I was also thinking a fifth wheel/ gooseneck capable flatbed as well, or a dry box for LTL/ hotshot loads. I was trying to figure what I could do through the winter to stay busy and keep the truck I'm wanting busy as well.

I know what you are saying, though.

If I ever do something like that, the truck I would put something like that together on would not likely be my main chip truck at that point anyway. (I'm seeing the light on having something bigger...like 23 yards...lol) Just more of a support vehicle, like I would have had on the ROW.

On the ROW, the truck I wanted would have been a crew cab 4x4, with a snow plow, that I would have used to shuffle guys and equipment to whatever circuit we were working. In short, the idea was to have the bucket truck, chippers, and what not in that area and just drive the truck home every night with the ability to relay and transfer equipment as well for service or repairs. I even considered hauling a VW Golf up just to keep miles off everything and fuel costs down. As a foreman, I was getting "pickup truck pay" and fuel covered anyway, so I wanted something that would serve all parties in some way, and give me the freedom to split up a crew or run important errands while the crew could keep cutting....yada yada.

It’s all still on the drawing board, along with the rest of my crazy ideas, but I’m not in a hurry, nor am I waiting for the power company to get the picture anytime soon. :wink2:
I was out looking at a job and lost a Croc in the ooze. Its gonna be wet for til August and you know how I just like to be just pulling in across the lawns and all.
All of my stuff is parked on the front lawn of that land reclamation job and there it will stay til next week when my knee returns to regular size.
I cut off about all the foliage on the bonsai tree I gave the daycare center and they freaked. See? Never say " never top a tree" cause if you want a nice bonsai that is exactly what ya gotta do.
90 degrees, sunny, and a sweet breeze.....we did a 100' pine that was twisted and blown at the base from the windstorm and laying across a big black gum limb about 50' up..

and did I mention no clouds, blue skies and dry ground....:hmm3grin2orange:
I hear ya... but doing crane jobs with a one ton kinda blows, if you know what I mean? I never had a chip truck with AC before either, so that'll be cool. The image thing that goes along with running a bad ass rig like that shouldn't be overlooked here either!

I never realised how important a companys image was untill we got our new chip truck. We had a descent looking 98 f 800. I #####ed about it being to to underpowered for a year and the boss bought a 2010 f-750 and sent it to ohio, where Schodorf truck put a pathetic box on it ( another topic). He had a sweet graphic wrap put on it and the truck literally sells work. People leave notes on it requesting bids.
I wish your work was judged by quality and crew, but sadly from my experience its whats sitting out front of the clients home and a good website that closes the deal.
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Did 22 yards of mulch for a good client today, hated doing it, but the lady pays and I didn't want to risk going out on a tree job with all the rain predicted.

Got a call from another client to dispose of an overgrown blue spruce, some gold thread cypress, pine... and a nice cutleaf maple. Currently looking for a buyer for the maple.

Got a call from a buddy who likes to brag. Go spray XYZ, and I have a crane job for you to look at... blah blah blah.
mannnnn,....it's jist fkn pourin here again

I was a magician to pull out a real good week last week but don't know if it can happen 2 wks in a row :bang:

In a few months you guys will be crying about the heat. Theres a page of posts about rain ,buck up. Unless you want to wear a monkey suit you are gonna have to deal with the weather. Just got home from another nine hour day in the pouring rain I love it, prusik sends water pouring down your sleeve and no need for a shower when you get home.
In a few months you guys will be crying about the heat. Theres a page of posts about rain ,buck up. Unless you want to wear a monkey suit you are gonna have to deal with the weather. Just got home from another nine hour day in the pouring rain I love it, prusik sends water pouring down your sleeve and no need for a shower when you get home.

Man, that sounds rough! The wipers don't even work on my chip truck..
Man, that sounds rough! The wipers don't even work on my chip truck..

I really need to start taking some pics. Rain has no affect on our schedule, we work five days a week in the pouring rain all winter and into spring. Are you guys that scared of the rain, don't have the work lined up or is it that you have more options then I and only put the saddle on when the sun shines.
I really need to start taking some pics. Rain has no affect on our schedule, we work five days a week in the pouring rain all winter and into spring. Are you guys that scared of the rain, don't have the work lined up or is it that you have more options then I and only put the saddle on when the sun shines.

For me, it's actually a little bit of all the things you mentioned there.
I really need to start taking some pics. Rain has no affect on our schedule, we work five days a week in the pouring rain all winter and into spring. Are you guys that scared of the rain, don't have the work lined up or is it that you have more options then I and only put the saddle on when the sun shines.

Its not so much the rain as it is turning my customers yard into a muddy mess. Although , with enough plywood I could prolly get somthin done. Whats the soil like where u r at? There is standing water in many yards right now around here.
90 degrees, sunny, and a sweet breeze.....we did a 100' pine that was twisted and blown at the base from the windstorm and laying across a big black gum limb about 50' up..

and did I mention no clouds, blue skies and dry ground....:hmm3grin2orange:

Rub it in ####! Looks like Im going to get soggy tomorrow. Gotta climb some trims rain or shine, cant wait any longer. :msp_unsure:
I really need to start taking some pics. Rain has no affect on our schedule, we work five days a week in the pouring rain all winter and into spring. Are you guys that scared of the rain, don't have the work lined up or is it that you have more options then I and only put the saddle on when the sun shines.

Cant get people to pay for the hour and a half extra moving plywood around. And were not in walla walla, where it never stops raining, altho its starting to feel like it. And in my chip truck, the wipers only work if you flip the knob just right at the point where they stick, otherwise your screwed. And Jims bucket, they dont work at all. Do they have any openings at Davey, where everything is so new that it almost shines?:msp_razz:
I never realised how important a companys image was untill we got our new chip truck. We had a descent looking 98 f 800. I #####ed about it being to to underpowered for a year and the boss bought a 2010 f-750 and sent it to ohio, where Schodorf truck put a pathetic box on it ( another topic). He had a sweet graphic wrap put on it and the truck literally sells work. People leave notes on it requesting bids.
I wish your work was judged by quality and crew, but sadly from my experience its whats sitting out front of the clients home and a good website that closes the deal.

My work is judged by quality and crew and I drive a 91 F150 you couldn't pick out of a line up.

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