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Just spent 11 hours taking trees off roof's and tarping bidding lol, I am gonna be busy a while. More expected all night so we booked motel as power wont be on at my trailer till maybe friday:rant: One mile from ropes house is a war zone this mourning there was seven dead in our county but they have prisoners looking for the missing people. From my numerous experience at ground zero I think we had ef 3 and 4 in spots also; I believe it was many multiple vortices ! Where I was working it was hard to find a home without a tree on roof!
Just spent 11 hours taking trees off roof's and tarping bidding lol, I am gonna be busy a while. More expected all night so we booked motel as power wont be on at my trailer till maybe friday:rant: One mile from ropes house is a war zone this mourning there was seven dead in our county but they have prisoners looking for the missing people. From my numerous experience at ground zero I think we had ef 3 and 4 in spots also; I believe it was many multiple vortices ! Where I was working it was hard to find a home without a tree on roof!

They said tonight's storms are supposed to be the worst we have experienced so 50 bucks for a motel for me my grand kids and wife seemed wise! So far its north of us evidently vilonia Ar had pavement picked up, our area is starting to seem like an action movie:)
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Any of you guys have any experience working on the control valves up in the bucket of an LR III (or just in general)? The control to fold my lower boom up is getting stuck all the sudden, and I have to kind of jam it off. It almost snaps when I do this and bumps the line (if ya know what I mean). I'm hoping it's just somthing simple, and it's like the detent valve we just fixed on the chipper feed lift, just little valve spring looking thingy broke and was getting jammed up?

Just figured I'd throw that out there...

Edit: the truck is on a job an hour away, so I haven't had a chance to pull it apart at all yet. I'm hoping to get through tomorrow at this point still.
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Even though you alluded to this being your last post on the topic I figured I'd point out that "a month or two" for the yard to rebound would not fly with my clientele or more importantly, with me. On removals I can get away with turfing things up a bit near the base, as any picky client is going to have the stump ground and topsoil work done but messing up a yard on prunes? Um...no. Pruning is supposed to make the landscape look BETTER, an effed up yard does not meet that criteria.

I'm thinking that some of us are as selective of our clientele as they are of us. That does seem to hamper my work load a bit. Does that make me soft?

Maybe, but I'm certainly not stupid, nor underpaid. I don't have to work in the rain to make it, but I guess maybe some do.

I suppose if I was one of those lowballin hackmaster types I would have my guys humping rain or shine. And who'd be the wiser for it, really, certainly not my vic..I mean, customers. Why, I'd care about as much for their yards and I would their trees, besides....can't see it from my house anyway. As far as my peasant monkeys would be concerned, I'd just have them convinced that they are the best of the best for it. Heck, by the time they know any better I'll have them cycled out already.
Due to the amount of posts my rain comment generated I gotta make one more post. We do mostly pruning work. It can be very subjective to the clients needs clearance, view etc so the owner books it around the clients or property manager being on site. My boss gives a date and time that we will do the work , the client should be on site at some point to ok the work. In the past year we have had at the most 2 call backs. Having to bring back a chip truck and chipper, f350 and four guys is costly so we stick to the schedule rain or shine.
We have had no complaints re. lawn damage, in fact I have never seen one company use plywood either. Yards get a little muddy but look fine after a month or two.
Thinking back growing up in N.H. it seemed to rain alot there as well. Googled annual rain fall by state. Turns out any city past ohio and into new england gets more annaual rain fall on avg. then seattle. I thought I was a tough guy. Turns out either most guys on this site dont have enough work to get them out of bed or are to soft to handle the rain.

Did you say you don't get complaints about lawn damage? Mud? Jeez, if all I gotta do is work in the rain to keep from hearing that...:laugh:
Fighting the rain dilemma as I type this! I hate the rain, wont work in it, not worth the mess, have plenty of work, but makes no sense in wasting it by taking longer on the jobs. If I left a yard jacked for a couple months, would not go well for me around here. I hate the days that rain, then turn sunny, then rain, then sun, then rain, then sun.........ya get the point, those days are the worst!
More of the same at the horsey farm. man I'm sick of hacking on these rat bag trees! Going for six billable days though, so I should just shut up! lol.

Looks like I already had the rebuild kit for the detent thingy on the bucket control, right here at the shop. Gonna slap that in tomorrow morning, and hope it works! Annoying as hell running the truck like that!

I'm thinking that some of us are as selective of our clientele as they are of us. That does seem to hamper my work load a bit. Does that make me soft?

Maybe, but I'm certainly not stupid, nor underpaid. I don't have to work in the rain to make it, but I guess maybe some do.

I suppose if I was one of those lowballin hackmaster types I would have my guys humping rain or shine. And who'd be the wiser for it, really, certainly not my vic..I mean, customers. Why, I'd care about as much for their yards and I would their trees, besides....can't see it from my house anyway. As far as my peasant monkeys would be concerned, I'd just have them convinced that they are the best of the best for it. Heck, by the time they know any better I'll have them cycled out already.

At some point you will realise there is a direct correlation with that swap meet equipment of yours and the attitude you have towards employees. I have had the same four man crew for three years. You get what you pay for, we are booked out at least two weeks and do not have the luxury to work only when the sun shines. We don't get complaints regarding lawn damage. Most likely customers can't take there eyes of the trees.
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More of the same at the horsey farm. man I'm sick of hacking on these rat bag trees! Going for six billable days though, so I should just shut up! lol.

Looks like I already had the rebuild kit for the detent thingy on the bucket control, right here at the shop. Gonna slap that in tomorrow morning, and hope it works! Annoying as hell running the truck like that!


Nice Bandit. I wanna play. Im so friggin bored at this point I would almost pay someone to let me clobber a monster. Had a nice big rotted pos boxelder to do, was waitin for the client to scrounge some cash, effin wind knocked it over either last nite or? Drive past today and theres a firetruck gaurding it. Asked whats up. There was a discrepancy over where the property line was, and since the HO wasnt home, they were sending out a muni crew to you know, 'make it safe'. I hate cleaning up other cutters messes. Kinda glad it came down by its self. She was rotted worse than I thought. Mighta taken something too big and pooped myself. :D Anyway, gotta call, went out to dig a patio with baby Bob. MUDHOLE!!!! Didnt wanna do it, shouldntve done it, but it was by the hour. HO was a DIY guy trying to save scratch. At one point I made the comment, this is a total abortion, he comes back with, no, those are cleaner. In the end it was ok, front yard is a complete disaster. Thank God for pickup trucks without a name on the door.:laugh: Guy said I reminded him of Jim Morrison. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that...... I'll shut up now:laugh:
At some point you will realise there is a direct correlation with that swap meet equipment of yours and the attitude you have towards employees. I have had the same four man crew for three years. You get what you pay for, we are booked out at least two weeks and do not have the luxury to work only when the sun shines. We don't get complaints regarding lawn damage. Most likely customers can't take there eyes of the trees.

I think we should lay off this topic due to the fact that we are in different areas of the country, and we dont know what its like, so lets lay off before we stir the bad blood.:alien2:
At some point you will realise there is a direct correlation with that swap meet equipment of yours and the attitude you have towards employees. I have had the same four man crew for three years. You get what you pay for, we are booked out at least two weeks and do not have the luxury to work only when the sun shines. We don't get complaints regarding lawn damage. Most likely customers can't take there eyes of the trees.[/QUOT
How do you know he has poor equipment?
I thought it was just your liver that looked like Jim Morrison? :laugh:

That bandit kicks ass man! Thanks..

Dont be a ####. So I drink like a flippin fish. Whats all your prob with this? Ive taken down $3500 trees so drunk I dont even remember being there and never even so much as bent a twig on a nieghboring tree. To each his own. Flip off you friggin stiff ### ####S . Your like those shiny happy drunk on religon people. We all have to live on this rock. Just deal man . Im sick of this @@#%. Rat on the wheel dude , rat on the wheel. Im bi-polar and depressed as hell most the time. Piss off.
At some point you will realise there is a direct correlation with that swap meet equipment of yours and the attitude you have towards employees. I have had the same four man crew for three years. You get what you pay for, we are booked out at least two weeks and do not have the luxury to work only when the sun shines. We don't get complaints regarding lawn damage. Most likely customers can't take there eyes of the trees.

What sort of equipment do you personally own Holden?
Dont be a ####. So I drink like a flippin fish. Whats all your prob with this? Ive taken down $3500 trees so drunk I dont even remember being there and never even so much as bent a twig on a nieghboring tree. To each his own. Flip off you friggin stiff ### ####S . Your like those shiny happy drunk on religon people. We all have to live on this rock. Just deal man . Im sick of this @@#%. Rat on the wheel dude , rat on the wheel. Im bi-polar and depressed as hell most the time. Piss off.

I think he got that liver thing from JPS awhile back. Thats all it is, i doubt he means any disrespect by it. Thats somthing that woulda pissed me off also.
Dont be a ####. So I drink like a flippin fish. Whats all your prob with this? Ive taken down $3500 trees so drunk I dont even remember being there and never even so much as bent a twig on a nieghboring tree. To each his own. Flip off you friggin stiff ### ####S . Your like those shiny happy drunk on religon people. We all have to live on this rock. Just deal man . Im sick of this @@#%. Rat on the wheel dude , rat on the wheel. Im bi-polar and depressed as hell most the time. Piss off.

You're either ####ing with me, or you just don't know me too well yet! Shiney happy, lol!

I have never drank when climbing though. That's a bit much.

We're all good though man!

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